Reaching to Teach How to Adapt Your Teaching to the “New Breed” of Christian Teens in Today’s Youth Groups by Jeff Johnson
Objective Student teachers will gain a new perspective on assessing the needs of and communicating with today’s spiritually inquisitive, ministry minded Christian youth.
“[W]hat is clear in Christian communication is that people do not simply need more information about God; they need to be persuaded to act on the information they already know.” Charles H. Kraft
Youth Group “Pizza Parties and Entertainment Alternatives”
“If anything, my youth group experience prepared me well... in that I had low expectations for a community of Christians.” James
“If drawing directly from my high school youth ministry, I would define Christianity as being about pizza parties and entertainment alternatives.” Rodney
Top Reasons for Being Part of the Youth Group I like my youth pastor. I learn about God there. I feel comfortable there. I can really worship God there. I’ve always gone.
“We don’t ask difficult questions, and we kind of dumb things down or make small challenges that seem easy for them to do. But I think it leaves them unprepared for the real questions they’re going to face when they get to college.” Ian
“Young people are not bored by theology. They are bored by theology that doesn't matter.” Andrew Root,
“...were ignored by their parents or pastors rather than taken seriously and engaged thoughtfully.” Derek Melleby: Life After High School
“Sadly, most youth ministries are long on fun and fluff and short on listening and thoughtful engagement.” Derek Melleby: Life After High School
Ways Adults Support High School Students Feeling “sought out” by adults Feeling like those adults “helped me to realistically apply my faith to my daily life.”
Youth want... Time for deep conversation Mission Trips Service Projects Accountability One-on-One Time with Leaders
“I was scared to come on this trip. I don’t like being away from home, and I don’t like manual labor. This trip has helped me to realize that I actually love the things I used to be afraid of.” Hurricane Clean-Up Volunteer/Youth
“It’s not about what we say; it’s about what teenagers hear. It’s not about what comes out of our mouths; it’s about what goes into their brains.” Duffy & Fields
Communicating with Youth Try to draw references to what you have in common with your audience. When using rebuke, correction, warning, or accusatory type language, speak in the first person plural. Stand as close as possible to the group, and if it’s feasible, speak from the same level as your students. Be conversational.
“No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” “No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” Matthew 6:24 NIV1984
“My high school youth group experience was the best time of my life. I could not even begin to explain. I think that it most significantly affected my self-confidence. It allowed me to become who I truly am— and if it were not for my youth group friends, I do not know what I would do.” Daria
Thank you! I’ll be happy to take your questions and comments now!