The Case for a Probation Professional Register PCA Conference March 2013 Catherine Holland.


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Presentation transcript:

The Case for a Probation Professional Register PCA Conference March 2013 Catherine Holland

Why have a register and why now? To maintain an absolute focus on protecting the public, changing lives and fewer victims To recognise and protect the profession of probation To provide assurance on standards in the new market If not now – never!

Transforming Rehabilitation Ministers support will be critical Will need to be a requirement Must be provider neutral Must be attractive to potential providers Needs to be adopted as part of the design for the overall system Need to start with a basic agreed model

Who Benefits and How? Commissioners, customers and service users – assurance of standards common between providers Employers – level playing field, common training, transferability of staff Probation practitioners – recognition as professionals, minimum level of training Public – assurance of minimum standards of training and accountability

Those on a register Sign up to and adhere to a Code of Practice – Ethics -values, principles and personal qualities – Statement of professional conduct – Work within legal framework – Breach may lead to de-registration Meet the required level of occupational competence (National Occupational Standards) Hold a recognised and approved qualification Are committed to Continuous Professional Development

A Probation Institute? Remit Oversee qualifications Manage the register Specify CPD Research Complaints Membership – employers, NOMS, Education, unions/staff organisations, public Connections with other partners in the system

Questions and Challenges What type of register? Who is registered? Who owns it? Who is it accountable to? Develop own or join existing? Timescales for implementation Costs – who pays? ……and many more

What Next? Workshop this afternoon Business Case with options Present to the Transforming Rehabilitation team and to the Minister Secure agreement Implementation – easy!

Final Thoughts The objectives of the Transforming Rehabilitation programme can only be met and sustained if the constituent players collaborate to make the whole system work. Ideas and comments by 3 April 2013