CR Cluster
Identify most affected districts Plan assessment for the CR cluster Discuss methodology Identify volunteers Develop a plan
◦ Nowsehra ◦ Peshawar ◦ DI Khan ◦ Swat ◦ Charsada ◦ Shangla
Districts V T.H.H A.H.H Peshawar 97 50,067 20,514 Nowshera ,465 67,940 Charsada 80 44,550 34,657
ER is a multidimensional process of recovery that begins in a humanitarian setting and is guided by development principles that seek to build on humanitarian programs and catalyze sustainable development opportunities. Areas of Concern Environment, Non-farm Livelihoods, CBI, Governance, DRM and Social Cohesion
Identify priority needs for Early Recovery, based on impacts of the disaster; Assess capacities and resources for early recovery efforts; Identify specific actions can be taken to address the priority needs for early recovery.
Qualitative Methodology Published materials/Websites (District Census reports, materials by other organizations etc). FGDs with community (both males and females) to understand ER needs. Informal Discussions with the key informants (DCO, NGO representative and others).
What were your main sources of income before the floods and what do you expect to be for the next 6 – 18 months? What factors are preventing you from re- establishing your source of livelihoods? To what degree was your business /employment affected by the flood? What assistance would you need to restart your work in next 3 to 6 months? Do women need any special assistance to re-start their business or source of income? Has your family received any assistance (money, food, goods) from other people or organizations? What can be different options of non-farm livelihoods in the camp ?
Have you lost or misplaced the following documents during the floods? How the local government got affected in the floods? What can community contribute to improve governance in your area ?
Which are the most affected UCs in term of CI (great to narrow down to the village level)? What sort of CI got damaged (quantitative data)? How this is affecting lives in the community (qualitative) What are the priorities of communities in terms of rehabilitation of the CI? What communities can offer (their capacities) in the rehabilitation of CI?
What are the most common reasons for disputes in the village? How do men/women settle their differences and disputes in your villages? What measures can bring communities together in the camp settings?
How much warning did you receive and did you understand the warning signals? What did people do to prepare for the floods? What do communities think caused the destruction? Have you had any training on what to do when there is a floods approaching? What factors in your opinion have worsened the impact of the floods? What should be future course of action.
How the environment got damaged ? How u plan to dispose the rubble? What steps should be taken on urgent bases to restore the environment ?
DistrictOrganizationResourcesContact Person Swat Peshawar Charsada Nowshera D.I.Khan Shangla