NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory ISS Ham Planning Operations Concept References: POH Vol. 2 SOP 7.16 TCO Console Handbook ISS Ham Ops Summary ISS Ham PPO Note: This presentation contains animations and is best viewed in the “Slide Show” or “Presentation” view.
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 2 ISS Ham Planning ISS Ham consists of scheduled Ham radio contacts, or passes, with schools and other educational functions or PAO events. The actual Ham Radio AOS/LOS is about 10 minutes for each contact. Each pass will have a Ham Radio AOS Rise time corresponding to a location on the Earth, which may vary based on the ISS Orbit variations. Radios are located in the Service Module and the Columbus Module. Example activities shown here illustrate the models used by the Mission Planning Team to schedule operations. PPM will schedule ISS-HAM RADIO-P/D for power down prior to: Russian Operations Segment Docking and Undocking; any EVA activities on both Operations Segments. 1 Schedule 5 minutes prior to “Contact” time. ² Scheduled at crew discretion. Radio auto-repeats received transmissions 1 Russian Segment Docking/Undocking events & all EVAs : 10 ISS HAM-RADIOS-P/D 1 ISS HAM-RADIOS-P/U As needed Operations 1 : 10 ISS HAM-RESOURCES
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 3 ISS Ham Planning Planning Timeline: PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 Weeks Action MilestoneWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1 PPM ResponsibilitiesTCO Responsibilities
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 4 ISS Ham Planning (E-3 weeks) ISS Ham PD submits the 3-week Ham Contact look-ahead schedule, containing a list of schools and multiple scheduling options per week, by to PPM. For Ham Contacts requiring specific scheduling, the ISS Ham PD will submit the specific scheduling information and rationale which will be handed over to TCO on the STP handover sheet. FCOH: ISS Ham PD enters all contact info including Ground Ham Radio AOS/LOS times into the Ham Contact Radio Log. TOPO will update Ham Contact AOS/LOS times based on improved approximations of the ISS Orbit every M-W-F. Scheduled contacts will appear BOLD in the Ham Radio Log. PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 5 ISS Ham Planning (E-2 Weeks) PPM schedules the contact Usually once per week, more if requested by crew or VIPs Selected from the list of available contacts PPM notifies ISS Ham PD and TOPO of option(s) selected for WLP Crew requested contacts will be scheduled with higher priority US PODF; ISS HAM; ISS HAM SCHOOL CONTACT OPERATIONS IN COLUMBUS; Reference Message XX-XXXX for HAM questions and operations. Contact is TBD. Approx Rise Time AOS: HH:MM. Ham Contact Radio Log has HH:MM:SS; Execution Note bookmarks HH:MM. :20 ISS HAM-COL-PASS PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1 Scheduled 5 minutes prior to “Contact” time
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 6 ISS Ham Planning (E-7) PPM may adjust an activity prior to STP finalization to de-conflict with other real-time activities. If a different scheduling option is selected, the PPM notifies the ISS Ham PD who makes updates to Ham Radio Log. WLP: 10:15STP: 18:45 PPM moves activities to de-conflict with higher priority activities. :20 US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in COLUMBUS; Reference Message XX-XXXX for HAM questions and operations Contact is TBD Approx Rise Time AOS: 10:15 US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in COLUMBUS; Reference Message XX-XXXX for HAM questions and operations Contact is TBD Approx Rise Time AOS: 18:45 ISS HAM-COL-PASS PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 7 ISS Ham Planning (E-6) ISS Ham PD sends the ISS Ham contact message no later than 7 days prior to scheduled contact (E-7), including student names and questions, to PREP TCO console via . 1.PREP TCO edits spelling and grammar, checks margins, all 1”, and checks font, Arial Inappropriate questions should be removed by the ISS Ham PD prior to sending. - If an inappropriate question makes it to our review, the PD may replace it with another question. - ISS Ham PD should be notified of any significant changes made to OCA message. 2.PREP TCO removes the administrative lines (see next slide). 3.PREP TCO submits message to IPOD and IL PAYCOM for approval. 4.PREP TCO obtains JEDI placeholder for the PPM. PPM updates the Execution Note with the Crew Message number via STP inputs. 5.PREP TCO saves the message to G:\FLIGHT\TCO\ISS Ham\ISS Ham – Crew Messages. PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 8 ISS Ham Planning (E-6) Sample OCA Message Delete these lines prior to delivery to JSC PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 9 ISS Ham Planning (E-3 and E-1) PREP TCO (E-3) / TCO (E-1) utilizes the most current Ham Radio Log Files are retrieved from the most recent TOPO IncXX-YY_Ham_Radio_Log.xml Typically a Monday, Wednesday, Friday delivery Files are saved to the G:\FLIGHT\TCO\ISS Ham folder, overwriting the previous file PREP TCO / TCO views the XML file in the HAMMER application by: 1.Launching the application via the Desktop icon: wxHAM.exe 2.Selecting the file- a.Open in the HAMMER application b.Navigate to G:\FLIGHT\TCO\ISS Ham folder c.Open IncXX-YY_Ham_Radio_Log.xml PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 10 ISS Ham Planning (E-3 and E-1) BOLD rows are scheduled contacts in the OSTP, the rest are the other scheduling options provided to PPM. Check this time. NOTE: GMT day of the contact is listed in the “Inc DOY” column. PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 11 ISS Ham Planning (E-3 and E-1) PREP TCO updates products, as needed, at E-3: PREP TCO compares the “Actual AOS (UTC)” time found in the Ham Radio Log to the Execution Note on the plan during the E-3 plan review and makes updates to the plan per the scheduling information on the following slides. At E-3, PREP TCO also adds the Rise Time to the ISS Ham Contact Message and submits the Flight Note (EFN) for message uplink. TCO performs the same steps at E-1 to verify AOS time, Execution Notes, and Crew Messages, coordinating updates with OPS PLAN PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 12 :20 E-1 TOPO: 18:52 US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in SM; Steps 2 and 3. Refer to Message XX-XXXX Approx Rise Time AOS: 18:38 US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in SM; Steps 2 and 3. Refer to Message XX-XXXX Approx Rise Time AOS: 18:52 ISS Ham Planning (E-3 and E-1) Updated AOS that does not require re-scheduling the activity: PREP TCO / TCO coordinates the update to the Execution Note and Crew Message No change required for the activity start time No PPCR required (Note the +/- 2 minute scheduling buffer that has been allowed per OIP agreement. Actual radio contact can begin 2 minutes prior to the activity or end 2 minutes beyond the activity.) US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in SM; Steps 2 and 3. Refer to Message XX-XXXX Approx Rise Time AOS: 18:45 E-3 TOPO: 18:38 2 min PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1 ISS HAM-SM-PASS
NASA MSFC Engineering Directorate Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 13 ISS HAM-COL-PASS ISS Ham Planning (E-3 and E-1) TOPO: 18:14 US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in COLUMBUS; Reference Message XX-XXXX for HAM questions and operations Contact is TBD Approx Rise Time AOS: 18:45 PPM schedules activity in WLP PD submits 3-week scheduling options to PPM PPM updates activity via STP inputs PD provides Crew Message to PREP TCO PREP TCO verifies AOS times, submits EFN for message uplink TCO verifies AOS times, updates OSTP, Execution Note and message, as needed E-3 WeeksWLPSTPE-6E-3E-1 :20 2 min Coordinate update with the PD! Activities are modified via PPCR, at POD's discretion. Updated AOS that requires re-scheduling the activity: PREP TCO / TCO coordinates the update to the Execution Note and Crew Message PPCR updates the start time and Execution Note; Crew Message is revised with new Rise Time. If re-scheduling is not possible, a contact is cancelled/rescheduled per PD direction. Actual radio contact can begin 2 minutes prior to the activity or end 2 minutes beyond the activity.) PPCR modifies the activity start time Execution Note 18:05 & Updated Crew Message is uplinked per the revised Flight Note ISS HAM-COL-PASS US PODF; ISS HAM: ISS Ham School Contact Operations in COLUMBUS; Reference Message XX-XXXX for HAM questions and operations Contact is TBD Approx Rise Time AOS: 18:14 or 18:10