To explore through experience, the process of inquiry and how we can utilise it Purpose of this session
Teaching involves inquiry on a variety of levels Personal inquiry Teaching as inquiry eg into the satisfactory teacher dimensions Planning units/programmes Student inquiry It is a natural process
What is the current situation? What are the alternatives and their implications? What action will be taken? Reflection So what? Now what? A simple inquiry cycle
A practice inquiry Use the inquiry cycle to work through one of these issues: I really need a holiday I want to balance my social life with school I want to be healthier I want to be more resilient I want to be able to save money I want to be valued for the work I do
The Current Situation Why is this an issue? What is my goal? What evidence made me aware of the issue? What other information is relevant? Exploring Alternatives What are my alternatives/possibilities? What are the implications, consequences, pros and cons of each alternative or possibility? Action Which solution/alternative is the best? Why? What action will I take? Who else will be involved? What is the timeframe? Reflection What happened? What are the results of my actions? How will I know I have achieved my goal/solved my issue? How does it feel? What next?
And so....we probably need to set some protocols within our groups for the conversations today. These might include: no judgement being inclusive, supportive, positive, constructive being open minded being a good listener Consider this as a learning experience where all ideas are valued in order to maximise our learning potential We are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them!
Firstly: Inquiring into our Professional Knowledge Then Inquiring into our Professional Values and Relationships Two mini inquiries into our teaching practice
First Inquiry: What do I want my students to learn, and why? Using the inquiry cycle, individually reflect on a unit (or activity or lesson) you have covered recently with one of your classes. The Current Situation: Questions to ponder What did you feel about the unit? What did your students feel about it? What was the learning that was intended? What did the students learn?
What is the current situation? What are the alternatives? What action will be taken? Reflection Unit/Activity/Lesson:
Use the NZC to explore this question: How is the NZC embedded in the unit? i.e. How is your unit/activity/lesson: helping students achieve the vision? ie. become confident, connected, actively involved, life-long learners encouraging, modeling, and helping students explore values? informed or underpinned by the principles? helping students develop the key competencies? Add your answer/s to the inquiry cycle
Exploring Alternatives: Questions to ponder What are the possibilities for connecting more aspects of the curriculum? What do you see as further possibilities for learning in this unit? How could you modify it to better connect to the NZC? Discuss your ideas as a group. Record your ideas in the inquiry template.
Use the inquiry cycle to record: What action you could take now, regarding the unit you were focusing on? Reflect on what you have learned. o What does it mean for you? For your students? o Now what?
In your groups: Each person think of one ethical dilemma/critical incident that has happened to you in your teaching career so far. Share these stories with each other. As a group, choose one scenario and work through the action learning cycle with it. Individually record what you have learned through this inquiry Second Inquiry: Relationships and ethical dilemmas
The Current Situation What happened,? Why did this happen? Where did I find myself? Exploring Alternatives What else could have happened? What are the implications and consequences of each possibility? Who else could I talk to? Take Action What alternative/possibility might have been best? What would you do if this situation happened again? Reflection What have I learned? So what? Now what? Ethical Dilemma Inquiry
What is the current situation? What are the alternatives? What action will be taken? Reflection The Issue: