Execution of Research, Development and The Creation of Efficient Technologies of Rare Earth Production 1
Stans Energy is focused on re-starting a past producing Rare Earth Elements mine and processing facility in Kyrgyzstan Kutessay II Mine: Past producing open pit mining operation Produced equal quantities of heavy and light rare earth elements Known metallurgical processes 20-year mining license in place Kashka Rare Earth Processing Facility (KRP): Processed ore from Kutessay II Mine for 30 years Produced 120 metal, alloy, and oxide products Under care-and-maintenance since 1991 Private rail terminal provides access to Russia, Europe, and Asia Strong Board, Technical Advisors, and Management: Many involved with Kutessay II and the KRP prior to
High Tech Defense Applications Hybrid Electric Vehicles Green Tech Water Treatment Other Applications 4
5 (Tonnes of REO) Global REE Demand Pacing to Outstrip Supply Source: IMCOA – Industrial Mineral Company of Australia
Source: US Department of Energy/ TMR 6
Kutessay II Kutessay III Aktyuz Aktyuz Ore Field: Kutessay II REE Mine And Exploration Areas Kalesay Aktyuz Mill
Kutessay II REE Mine
10 30 year proven track record of 99.99% oxide production
REE Breakdown by Value (Asian Metals FOB prices in USD June 1, 2012) 11 Element OxideREEs %REO USD/kgDysprosiumDy6.141,175 YttriumY TerbiumTb NeodymiumNd EuropiumEu ErbiumEr PraseodymiumPr GadoliniumGd SamariumSm4.174 HolmiumHo ThuliumTm YtterbiumYb LutetiumLu0.51,430 CeriumCe LanthanumLa Based on historic production
VNIIHT ACHIEVEMENTS Technologies developed in the Institute became the production cycle base for over 20 hydrometallurgical plants Over 150 sorbents, extractants and resins were engineered Over 3600 developments were industrially implemented Over 2600 inventors certificates and patents were issued 7 minerals were discovered Over 100 PhDs are employed 12