Nationalism and the Industrial Revolution Threat to the Balance of Power in Europe
Balance of Power Distribution of political and economic power that prevents any one nation from becoming too strong
Industrialization improved economy improved capacity to make weapons of war Militarism
What do you think nationalism means?
Nationalism commonly defined as a love for one's country
Nationalism Sparked by Napoleon’s conquests across Europe After Napoleon’s defeat, smaller, less-powerful European kingdoms fought for independence, self-determination, and in some cases unification.
Self-Determination Ability of a people to choose their own government
How do you think nationalism might positively affect a nation?
Positive Effects of Nationalism Showing pride in your country may lead you to volunteer your time, talent, and/or treasure to help improve your country ▫Donate to causes ▫Participate in the political process ▫Donate blood in a national emergency
How do you think nationalism might negatively affect a nation?
Negative Effects of Nationalism You may be extreme in your loyalty to your country so much so that you discriminate against others, especially if you perceive a wrong done to you by another ▫Ethnic tension ▫Religious tension ▫Tribalism ▫Genocide
Examples of Nationalism in Action Haitian Independence Movement German Unification Italian Unification The Breakup of the Ottoman Empire ▫Greek Independence ▫Serbian Independence
Unification of Italy Was divided into small states after the fall of the Roman Empire Napoleon had conquered and reunited them in the early 1800’s After Napoleon’s defeat, Metternich and the Congress of Vienna divided them up again and brought them under Austrian and Spanish rule (the old Holy Roman Empire)
Nationalists ( Garibaldi, Mazzini, and Cavour) in Italy united the Italian kingdoms, driving out the Austrians and Spaniards upset the balance of power in Europe Unfortunately, tension persisted in Italy between the industrial north and the agricultural south
Unification of Germany Germany had been divided into small independent kingdoms prior to the 1800’s Napoleon conquered and united the German kingdoms, but the Germans didn’t want to be ruled by the French After Napoleon’s defeat, Germany tried to remain united, but Metternich and the Congress of Vienna broke them up
The German states did not give up they set up an economic system of free trade and cooperation amongst themselves known as the Zollverein industrialize move to unify Otto von Bismarck became chancellor of Prussia, the strongest German state, and he set out to unify, industrialize and modernize Germany through his policy of “Blood and Iron” – Bismarck was a master of Realpolitik- realistic politics blood= sacrifice and war; iron= industrialization
Allied with Austria to seize land from Denmark turned against Austria to take land and force Austria to follow their lead waged war on France as “payback” for Napoleon’s conquest of Germany united all the German states under the Prussian king, William I. William I called himself the kaiser.
Conflict in and Division of the Ottoman Empire Multinational empire (ruled N. Africa, the Middle East and parts of S. Europe) faced challenges from the various ethnic groups in the empire Was once accepting of diversity, but cracked down on minorities after the Napoleonic Age for fear of losing control of empire Made no efforts at industrialization
Ruled the Balkan Peninsula which was known as the “Powder Keg of Europe” for its chaotic mixture of nationalist groups that were on the verge of exploding into war Between 1829 and 1908, Greece, Montenegro, Romania, and Bulgaria all broke away from the Ottoman Empire The Ottoman Empire was referred to as the “Sick Man of Europe”- it was on the verge of collapse
Conflict in and Division of the Austrian Empire Metternich and the Congress of Vienna tried to suppress nationalism Made no efforts at industrialization Ignored the rights of minority groups (Slavic peoples including Czechs, Slovaks, Poles, Ukrainians, Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes) Gave preferential treatment to German-speaking peoples Were forced to set up two different governments- one for Austrians, one for Hungarians The Austro-Hungarian Empire was on the verge of collapse by WWI
Industrialization and Nationalism As old empires were collapsing and new nations were emerging, the survivors were scrambling for alliances- friends to help them survive They also needed to prepare for war, just in case militarism was on the rise In order to meet the needs of rapid industrialization, and to loss of colonies in Latin America, many European nations turned their attention to acquiring colonies in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East The New Imperialism
Nationalism can… spur on revolutions unite a country or tear it apart bring out the best in people as they help their people overcome tragedy or tear a country apart in response to a wrong perceived to be perpetrated on them by another cultural group