The AC Power Grid 60 Hz, 120 V RMS
DC vs. AC Thomas Edison - DCWestinghouse - AC VS. In the late 1800s, these two guys fought fiercely over the power grid.
Why did AC win? Transmission lines have some resistance, so energy is lost to Joule heating.
High Voltage Transmission Lines AC voltages can easily be increased using a transformer.
Power Grids of the Future In China, much of the population lives on the east coast. Power in sent across the country by1 Million volt transmission lines! But most of the energy resources are located in the west.
Meanwhile, back in the USA… Much of the electrical infrastructure in the US is over 50 years old, close to the end of its estimated lifetime.
Tesla Models S – All electric, 400 HP
AC Induction Motor – 1,000 Amps at 300 V 300,000 W = 400 HP
Power Inverter - DC to AC Conversion Q: Lithium ion batteries are DC, so why not just use a DC motor? A: DC motors require rare earth magnets.