The Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian A Novel By Sherman Alexie Art By Ellen Forney
Gallery Shuffle Consider each Image In your Notebooks: Describe what you see Apply any background knowledge you might have
Book Preview
The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian Book Preview Cover: Consider each Image and the Title Describe what you see and apply background knowledge Based on the cover, I think this story will be about…. Other things to consider: Diary vs. Novel: What do these words mean? Part-Time Indian: What does this mean?
Reading (to page 24) The Black Eye of the Month Club Why Chicken Means So Much To Me Revenge is my Middle Name JOURNAL: “I am a zero on the rez. And if you subtract zero from zero, you still have zero” (Alexie 16). What does this quote say about Junior’s identity and who he is?
HOMEWORK Page 12: Who My Parents Would Have Been If Somebody Had Paid Attention To Their Dreams Your HW is to talk your parents about what they might have been “if somebody had paid attention to their dreams” Write down notes from your conversation
Who they might have been…