1 1. Teaching Greek as first/mother/majority/classroom/ language in Greece (Junior High School)
2 Curriculum: Specific aims Students should recognize the influence of other languages on the Greek language and vice versa Non Greek speaking students should learn Greek though realistic activities related to school-life Their first language should also be respected in this process
3 Textbooks: Texts promoting plurilingualism in Greek Texts in Greek discussing the advantages of plurilingualism, the experience of plurilingual people, the experience of living in a multilingual environment, events promoting plurilingualism, the relations between languages and cultures, the diminishing of small languages.
4 Exercises locating words of Greek origin in foreign languages searching such words in foreign web pages locating foreign (English, Italian, French) vocabulary in Greek) searching bilingual dictionaries on the web The first two types of exercise are very common
8 Exercises using texts in English songs as source of inspiration in order to write Greek verses searching foreign web pages for information rare and unstructured, mainly supporting the crosscurricular dimension of the curriculum
9 Comparisons between sentence structures and text structures Idioms in Greek and English Advertisements in Greek and English (comparing sturctures) Extremely rare, if not at random, and marginal
12 Greek texts into English Composing Greek texts and translating them in English in order to create web pages or touristic guides Rare and in the framework of the crosscurricural approach in collaboration with the English teacher
13 Texts promoting plurilingualism in Greek Texts in Greek discussing the advantages of plurilingualism, the experience of plurilingual peolple, the experience of living in a multilingual environment, events promoting plurilingualism, the relations between languages and cultures, the diminishing of small languages. Such texts appear often in greek textbooks
14 2. Teaching Greek as a second language abroad (English speaking countries - Australia) Ελληνικά! Γιατί όχι; (Ε.ΔΙΑ.Μ.ΜΕ., University of Crete, Department of Primary Education)
15 Exercises Distinguishing between different alphabets Locating words of Greek origin in English and guessing the meaning Translation exercises Comparing word and grammar structures Composing bilingual texts Putting together Greek and English text structures
17 The case of Nordrhein-Westfalen: textbook series Τα ελληνικά μας 1-4 ( ) Landesinstitut fuer Schule und Weiterbildung - Nordrhein-Westfalen Οργανισμός Εκδόσεων διδακτικών βιβλίων – Αθήνα Teaching Greek in Germany
18 Texts and exercises German texts to be discussed in Greek Greek and German texts on a certain topic to be discussed (also texts discussing plurilingualism) Texts produced by Greek and German students to be discussed Comparing Greek and German SMS language Using German texts to talk about Greek history (in Greek) Systematic use of German texts in order to produce oral and written texts in Greek