¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter Listen and read carefully. Dr. Watson with Sherlock Holmes
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 One night, I was returning from a visit to a patient when my way led me through Baker Street. As I passed the well-remembered door, I wished to see Sherlock Holmes again. I wanted to know how he was using his extraordinary powers. I looked up and saw that there was light in his rooms. I saw his tall, spare figure pass twice in a silhoutte against the curtain. He was pacing the room swiftly, with his hands clasped behind him. I was familiar with his moods and habits. The way he was pacing told me something clearly. He was at his work again. I rang the bell and was shown up to his chamber.
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 He was not a person who shows his happiness with a lot of words and gestures, but I think he was glad to see me. With hardly a word spoken, but with a kindly eye, he waved me to an armchair. Then he stood before the fire, and looked me over in his singular fashion. “Wedlock suits you,” he remarked. “I think, Watson, that you have put on seven and a half pounds since I saw you.” “Seven,” I answered. “Indeed, I should have thought a little more. And you have started practising again, I observe. You did not tell me that you planned to do so.” “Then, how do you know?”
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 “I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?” “My dear Holmes,” said I, “This is too much. People would think you do it by magic. It is true that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a mess, but after that I changed my clothes. I can’t imagine how you deduce it. As to Mary Jane – it is not possible to improve or correct her; my wife has given her notice. But how did you work it out?”
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 He chuckled to himself and rubbed his long, nervous hands together. “It is simplicity itself,” said he. “My eyes tell me that on the inside of your left shoe, just where the firelight falls, there are six parallel cuts. That means someone has very carelessly scraped round the edges of the sole to remove dried mud from it. It tells me two things – that you had to go out in bad weather and your servant handles your shoes in a clumsy and careless manner.
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 As to your practice – you smell of iodoform; there is a black mark of nitrate of silver on your right forefinger, and there is a bulge on the side of your top hat where you have put your stethoscope. I must be dull indeed if all this did not tell me that you are practising as a doctor again.”
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 I could not help laughing at the ease with which he explained his process of deduction. “When I hear you give your reason,” I remarked, “the thing always appears to me to be very simple. I feel that I could also have guessed it. But every time I am baffled till you explain your process. And yet I believe that my eyes are as good as yours.”
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 “Quite so,” he answered, throwing himself down into an armchair. “You see, but you do not observe. The distinction is clear. For example, you have frequently seen the steps which lead up from the hall to this room.” “Frequently.” “How often?”
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 “Well, some hundreds of times.” “Then how many are there?” “How many. I don’t know.” Quite so. You have not observed. And yet you have seen. That is just my point. Now, I know that there are seventeen steps, because I have both seen and observed.
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 “By the way, since you are interested in these little problems, and since you were good enough to record some of my experiences, you may be interested in this.” He threw over a sheet of thick, pink – tinted note-paper which had been lying upon the table. “It came by the last post,” said he. “Read it aloud.”
¸üµÖŸÖ ׿ÖÖÖ ÃÖÓãÖÖ, ú´ÖÔ¾Ö߸ü ×¾ÖªÖ¯ÖϲÖÖê׬ÖÖß, ´Ö¬µÖ ×¾Ö³ÖÖÖ, ÃÖÖŸÖÖ¸üÖ Std 8 Sub EnglishChapter 3.14 There have been many great mathematicians in India. The mathematics they knew was advanced, even by today’s standards. You may have heard the names of Aryabhatta and Bhaskaracharya. Bhaskaracharya lived in the 12 th century. He wrote ‘Leelavati’ a book that teaches arithmetic through interesting examples are written in the form of verses! ‘Leelavati’ was used for centuries, as a textbook of mathematics in many parts of India.