Leiningen Verses the Ants In Media Res: In the middle of things, makes a reader wonder who the characters are and what they are doing
What does the commissioner mean when he calls the ants an “elemental?” Why does Leiningen consider his past success as evidence that his defense is adequate? What is the theme of the story?
What is the setting of the story? What conflict does the statement “they came at noon the second day” introduce? What is the first natural element Leiningen uses? “Before you can spit three times” is an example of what literary device?
What is Leiningen’s quote, “who now felt like a champion in a new Olympic game, a gigantic and thrilling contest, from which he was determined to emerge victor” an example of? What does the fate of the Pampas Stag symbolize?
“He rose with the sun and went out on the flat roof of his house. And a scene like one from Dante lay around him” what is this an example of? What image constantly haunts Leiningen during his battle? What two types of conflict is Leiningen faced with as he runs through the ants?
What is the climax of the story? What Point of View is the story told from?