Clase de español II Hoy es lunes, el catorce de marzo de dos mil once A Devolver: libros A Empezar: actividad con compañero A Aprender: vocabulario Tarea:
A Devolver Si tienes un libro de texto que no quieres guardar, puedes devolverlo hoy, mañana, el miércoles, etc.
Think, Pair, Share Answer the questions on your own in English. (English? Yes, ENGLISH!)
Think, Pair, Share 1.What is your favorite food (specific) of all time? 2.What is your favorite type of food (i.e. Italian, Mexican, etc.)? 3.What is your favorite restaurant (fast food does not count!)? Where is it? 4.Are there any foods you’re allergic to? 5.Are there any foods that make you gag just thinking about them?
Think, Pair, Share 6.What are some Mexican foods that you know/have heard of/have tried? 7.What do you think are some of the main ingredients of Mexican foods? 8.What are your impressions of Mexican food?
Think, Pair, Share 9.What are some Spanish foods that you know/have heard of/have tried? 10.What do you think are some of the main ingredients of Spanish foods? 11.What are your impressions of Spanish food?
Think, Pair, Share Now share your answers with a partner. 1.What is your favorite food (specific) of all time? 2.What is your favorite type of food (i.e. Italian, Mexican, etc.)? 3.What is your favorite restaurant (fast food does not count!)? Where is it? 4.Are there any foods you’re allergic to? 5.Are there any foods that make you gag just thinking about them? 6.What are some Mexican foods that you know/have heard of/have tried? 7.What do you think are some of the main ingredients of Mexican foods? 8.What are your impressions of Mexican food? 9.What are some Spanish foods that you know/have heard of/have tried? 10.What do you think are some of the main ingredients of Spanish foods? 11.What are your impressions of Spanish food?
Think, Pair, Share Now share your answers with the class. 1.What is your favorite food (specific) of all time? 2.What is your favorite type of food (i.e. Italian, Mexican, etc.)? 3.What is your favorite restaurant (fast food does not count!)? Where is it? 4.Are there any foods you’re allergic to? 5.Are there any foods that make you gag just thinking about them? 6.What are some Mexican foods that you know/have heard of/have tried? 7.What do you think are some of the main ingredients of Mexican foods? 8.What are your impressions of Mexican food? 9.What are some Spanish foods that you know/have heard of/have tried? 10.What do you think are some of the main ingredients of Spanish foods? 11.What are your impressions of Spanish food?
el plato
el platillo
el plato hondo
el vaso
la taza
la botella
la servilleta
el tenedor el cuchillo
la cuchara
la cucharita
los cubiertos
el mantel
el pan
el arroz
el panecillo
el cereal
la dona
la tortilla
Tarea Go to Follow the directions in the pink box. If you do not get a pink box with instructions on it, you need to change your teacher to Ms. Klug.