sh as in (ci, ch, ce, ti, si, s, scis) sh as in ship sh as in official sh as in machine sh as in consideration sh as in tension sh as in surely
Word Lists R 1 2 3 4 5 6 ship shout sheet sheep shell shack shock shack shock shift shelf shake shape shirt shoe sharp brush shine shave shrub surely shore shiny wash bush shorten shower shiver shadow shallow shining shawl shoelace shopping shipment posh leash special social magician machine mushroom shoulder shameful official tissue issue sheath shrapnel sufficient efficient electrician politician physician consideration tension scissor shredded evaluation excursion concussion transmission sufficiency ambition ambitious conscience fictitious
1 shack shelf shock shirt shift shoe shake sharp shape brush
2 shine shiny shave wash shrub bush surely shorten shore shower
sh sh sh sh Handwriting 7/9/15 shack shock shoe brush 1It was a ____ to see a rat. 2Mum had to_____ her hair. 3I lost a school ___.
sh sh sh sh Handwriting 7/9/15 shower shave shiny bush There was a snake in the ____. 2Mum had a_____ ring. 3I had a ___ as I fell in mud.
shack sh-a-ck = 3 SHACK shack = 1 say spell sounds syllables a small house sh-a-ck = 3 shack = 1 sounds syllables
shock sh-o-ck = 3 SHOCK shock = 1 say spell sounds syllables to have a fright sh-o-ck = 3 shock = 1 sounds syllables
to move from one place to another shift say spell SHIFT to move from one place to another sh-i-f-t = 4 shift = 1 sounds syllables
wood that toys are put on shelf say spell SHELF wood that toys are put on sh-e-l-f = 4 shelf = 1 sounds syllables
to move from side to side quickly shake say spell SHAKE to move from side to side quickly sh-a-ke = 3 shake = 1 sounds syllables
shape sh-a-pe = 3 SHAPE shape = 1 say spell sounds syllables a geometric figure sh-a-pe = 3 shape = 1 sounds syllables
clothing that covers the chest shirt say spell SHIRT clothing that covers the chest sh-ir-t = 3 shirt = 1 sounds syllables
shoe sh-oe = 2 SHOE shoe = 1 say spell sounds syllables a covering for a foot sh-oe = 2 shoe = 1 sounds syllables
sharp sh-ar-p = 3 SHARP sharp = 1 say spell sounds syllables an edge that can cut sh-ar-p = 3 sharp = 1 sounds syllables
brush b-r-u-sh = 4 BRUSH brush = 1 say spell sounds syllables a small broom b-r-u-sh = 4 brush = 1 sounds syllables
to give out a bright light shine say spell SHINE to give out a bright light sh-i-ne = 3 shine = 1 sounds syllables
shave sh-a-ve = 3 SHAVE shave = 1 say spell sounds syllables to cut hair off the face sh-a-ve = 3 shave = 1 sounds syllables
shrub sh-r-u-b = 4 SHRUB shrub = 1 say spell sounds syllables a small woody plant sh-r-u-b = 4 shrub = 1 sounds syllables
to think something is really true surely say spell SURELY to think something is really true s-ure-l-y = 4 sure/ly = 2 sounds syllables
shore sh-ore = 2 SHORE shore = 1 say spell sounds syllables land on the edge of sea sh-ore = 2 shore = 1 sounds syllables
shiny sh-i-n-y = 4 SHINY shi/ny = 2 say spell sounds syllables bright and glassy sh-i-n-y = 4 shi/ny = 2 sounds syllables
to clean with water and soap wash say spell WASH to clean with water and soap w-a-sh = 3 wash = 1 sounds syllables
bush say spell BUSH a shrub b-u-sh = 3 bush = 1 sounds syllables
shorten sh-or-t-e-n = 5 SHORTEN shor/ten = 2 say spell sounds to make shorter sh-or-t-e-n = 5 shor/ten = 2 sounds syllables
shower sh-ow-er = 3 SHOWER show/er = 2 say spell sounds syllables a fall of water sh-ow-er = 3 show/er = 2 sounds syllables
1 an edge that can cut a covering for a foot clothing that covers the chest a geometric figure a small broom to move from one place to another a have a fright a small house wood that toys are put on to move from side to side quickly
2 a shrub a fall of water to make shorter to clean with water and soap bright and glassy land on the edge of sea to think something is really true a small woody plant to cut hair off the face to give out a bright light