Project Launch Workshop: New Delhi May 9-10, 2013 State: Madhya Pradesh ICDS Systems Strengthening and Nutrition Improvement Project
No. of districts covered 30 No. of projects (blocks) * 259 No: of AWCs * Total cost of the project (Phase 1 & 2) Total cost of Phase 1(3 year) of project State’s share for Phase Cost of Component 1 : Institutional and Systems Strengthening Cost of Component 2: Community mobilization and behavior change communication Cost of Component 3: Piloting Convergent Nutrition Actions53.15 Cost of Component 4: Project Management, Technical Assistance and Monitoring & Evaluation * No. of projects/AWCs as on Sept-2010, used for project cost estimation Rs. Lakh
Actions Status (Put a ‘√’ or ‘X’) Expected Date 1. Has an approval of project been received from the competent authority in the State. If not, by when expected? [√ ]Administrative Approval taken, Cabinet approval is in process. By June Has government order been issued notifying identified 30 districts of their participation in ISSNIP? If not, by when expected? [X ]By the end of May Has an administrative/financial sanction been received for 10% State contribution to the project? If not, by when expected? [X ]By the end of May Has a specific budget head for project (EAP) been created? If not, by when expected? [√ ] 5. Is the total cost of the project including 10% State contribution approved by the State Govt.? If not, by when expected? [X ]By the end of May Has any provision been made in the BE for the project? If yes, what amount? If not, by when expected? [X]BE 13-14: Rs lakh Date: June 13
Actions Status (Put a ‘√’ or ‘X’) Expected Date 7. Have an administrative order been issued for establishment of the SPMU for ISSNIP? If not, by when expected? [ X ]Soon after the approval by PSE by May 8. Has a Project Director been nominated for ISSNIP? If yes, Name? [ √ ]Dr. Manohar Agnani 9. Have the Joint Project Coordinators (JPCs ) been identified and assigned for each of the following areas under ISSNIP? -Project Management and Monitoring & Evaluation -Administration and Finance -Procurement -IEC/BCC & Training Please share names. If not, by when expected? [ √ ]Will be taken on deputation from existing JD cadre of WCD department. 10. Has an Office space been identified and provided for ISSNIP SPMU? If not, by when expected? [ √ ] 11. Have the SPMU office needs (equipments/furniture etc) been assessed? Please share. If not, by when expected? [ √ ]By end of May 2013
Actions Status (Put a ‘√’ or ‘X’) Expected Date 12. Are there any comments on the financial management and procurement manuals for the Project from the State? Please share. [ No Comments ] 13. Has a procurement plan been prepared for first 18 months of project? If not, by when expected. [X ]By May 30, Has the procurement plan been approved by the State Govt.? If not, by when expected? [X ]By May 30, Have the activities under the four project components been reviewed and identified for implementation during ? [ √ ]
Thank you