The Nature Deficit Its not pretty neat. A Presentation by Chris Bandrowsky, Kieryn Wurts, Ciera Shell, Aaron Fisher, and Aihui Yu
The Youth How many youth?
In Denver County 130,498 youth (Kids Count 2012, 2012)
What does this mean? 3 in 5
Why does this matter? 62% of youth do not access natural areas (The Nature Conservancy, 2012) (The Nature Conservancy, 2012)
Case Study: Elyria Swansea Elyria Swansea Neighborhood Local Demographics The Effects on Environmental Stewardship
Science Daily (Feb. 19, 2009) Science Daily (Feb. 19, 2009) Elderly adults tend to live longer if their homes are near a park or other green space, regardless of their social or economic status. College students do better on cognitive tests when their dorm windows view natural settings. Youth with ADHD have fewer symptoms after outdoor activities in lush environments. Effects of not having access to environment
Studies show that—— Physical activity in natural environments might have greater psychological and physiological benefits. (Pretty, Peacock, Sellens, Gri ffi, 2005) Less green nature means reduced mental well-being, or at least less opportunity to recover from mental stress (Pretty et al. 2004). Youth in the United States are currently experiencing an unprecedented set of health problems. These problems include increased levels of depression, cognitive disabilities, attention disorders, obesity, hypertension, and diabetes. (Louv, 2005)
Positive effects Research has shown that positive and frequent experiences in nature during childhood influence environmental career choices and environmental concern among adults regardless of their cultural background or racial and socioeconomic status (Chawla, 2006a; Wells & Lekies, 2006) Research has shown that positive and frequent experiences in nature during childhood influence environmental career choices and environmental concern among adults regardless of their cultural background or racial and socioeconomic status (Chawla, 2006a; Wells & Lekies, 2006) Students in schools with environment-based education had higher test scores in reading, math, science, social studies, and writing than did students in traditional public schools (National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, 2000, 2005). Students in schools with environment-based education had higher test scores in reading, math, science, social studies, and writing than did students in traditional public schools (National Environmental Education and Training Foundation, 2000, 2005). Studies have also investigated whether playing in nature improves youth social skills by developing their language and communication abilities and encouraging positive relationships (Pyle, 2002). Studies have also investigated whether playing in nature improves youth social skills by developing their language and communication abilities and encouraging positive relationships (Pyle, 2002).
So what are we gonna do? “You gotta help the children!” -Chef, South Park
Our Vision EducateEngageConquer “All education is environmental education– by what is included or excluded, students are taught that they are part of or apart from the natural world. “ (Orr, pg. 12, 2004)
What those other guys are doing Groundwork Denver Groundwork Denver Supports and facilitates Denver neighborhood-lead sustainability initiatives Supports and facilitates Denver neighborhood-lead sustainability initiatives Growhaus Growhaus Indoor farm & affordable marketplace Indoor farm & affordable marketplace Food justice advocates Food justice advocates Our Lady of Grace Church Our Lady of Grace Church Community organizer in Elyria Swansea neighborhood Community organizer in Elyria Swansea neighborhood Denver Seeds Initiative Denver Seeds Initiative Mayor Hancock’s initiative to engage Denver in urban agriculture development Mayor Hancock’s initiative to engage Denver in urban agriculture development
What We Would Like to Do
Outdoor and Environmental Education Adventure Pursuit Model Personal Development/leader ship focus Experientially based Emphasize connection “Tell me” Model Issue focus Academically based Emphasize connection
The Contextual Model of Learning Cultivate pro-environmental conciousness Cultivate pro-environmental conciousness Arouse learners’ emotions Arouse learners’ emotions challenge beliefs challenge beliefs enhance environmental conceptions enhance environmental conceptions (Ferreira 2011) “This model conceptualizes learning as being constructed over time, as the process and product of interactions between three overlapping contexts—the personal, the socio-cultural and the physical” (Falk and Dierking 2000)