Chapter 14 Section 2 The Axis Advances
I. The German army used the tactics of Blitzkrieg to conquer almost all of Europe in three short years. Seeds of the Nazi Empire’s eventual destruction were sown at the Battle of Britain and the assault on the Soviet Union
A. German Offensive 1. Invasion of Poland made possible through non- aggression pact with Soviet Union 2.Great Britain and France brought into war
3. Poland was first Blitzkrieg -”lightning war” a. Panzer tanks b. Stuka dive bombers 4. Evacuation of Dunkirk
B. Attack on Western Europe 1. Belgium, Holland fall 2. Norway- Quisling 3. Defeat of France 1940 a. failure of Maginot Line b. Vichy Government
C. Battle of Britain 1. Winston Churchill 2. the “Blitz” 3. Luftwaffe 4. turning point of the war-staging area for D- Day
American support-FDR a. Atlantic Charter- free trade b. Lend Lease c. Destroyer Deal
Eastern Europe 1. invasion of Soviet Union 2. fall of Balkan States 3. Italy- Albania million Russians killed 5. German military high command disagrees with Hitler’s war aims
Results of attack on Soviet Union 1. Massive casualties 2. Tremendous drain on German resources 3. Foundations for German defeat
Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii and brought the U.S. into the war
Japanese expansion 1. The Greater Asia- Co Prosperity Sphere 2.China- raw materials 3.Indochina- food 4.Indonesia- oil 5.Australia- mineral wealth
Conflict with U.S. 1. Philippines 2. Japan signs treaty with Germany 3. FDR cuts off trade to Japan U.S. demand Japanese withdrawal from China
War with U.S. 1. Pearl Harbor 2. mistake or gamble? 3. possible sites?-Did we know? 4. “Day that will live on in infamy” 5. U.S. enters war
“Island hopping” 1. Allied strategy involved attacking and seizing those Pacific islands least heavily defended by Japan 2. Masterminded by Douglas Mac Arthur
Allied counterattack 1. The Doolittle raids on Tokyo-psychological impact-we could strike at Japan 2. Battle of the Coral Sea halts Japanese assault on Australia
3. Midway- destruction of Japanese 4. Battle of Guadalcanal- one of the war's