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Do you agree or disagree with this statement? “The quality of a school as a learning community can be measured by how effectively it addresses the needs of struggling students.” --Wright (2005) Source: Wright, J (2005, Summer). Five interventions that work. NAESP Leadership Compass, 2(4) pp. 1,6
What is Response to Intervention (RTI)? A student with academic or behavior delays are given one or more research-validated intervention.A student with academic or behavior delays are given one or more research-validated intervention. The student’s progress is monitored frequently to see if those interventions are sufficient to help the student to catch up with their peers.The student’s progress is monitored frequently to see if those interventions are sufficient to help the student to catch up with their peers. If the student fails to show significantly improved academic skills despite several well-designed and implemented interventions, this failure to “respond to intervention” can be viewed as evidence of an underlying learning disability.If the student fails to show significantly improved academic skills despite several well-designed and implemented interventions, this failure to “respond to intervention” can be viewed as evidence of an underlying learning disability.
Multi-tier Model
Video Clip Explaining Tiers
What we have worked through so far: Giving Universal ScreenersGiving Universal Screeners Analyzing dataAnalyzing data Identifying students at-riskIdentifying students at-risk Grouping studentsGrouping students Contacting parentsContacting parents Meeting as teams to talk about “KIDS”Meeting as teams to talk about “KIDS”
Video Clip Explaining RTI
Where are we at now? Now that we have instructional groups, how do we… monitor those groups, measure growth, determine placement changes, document interventions
Purposes of Three Types of Assessments ScreeningProgress MonitoringDiagnostic Tests PopulationSchool-wideClass/small group/studentIndividual student UsesBroad IndexSpecific academic skill or behavioral target Specific academic domains of Knowledge, skills, or abilities FrequencyYearly/3x/monthlyWeekly/bi-weeklyYearly PurposeIdentify students who are at risk Regroup studentsIdentify specific student deficits FocusSchool FocusStudent/class focusStudent focus InstructionClass/school instruction and curriculum decisions Within interventionSelection curriculum and instructional methods ImplicationsAs first step for intervention planning Continue or revise placementPlanning or specifying intervention
Video Clip about Baby Steps
At our next team meetings… Bring typed list of students receiving interventions (1 master list per grade level)Bring typed list of students receiving interventions (1 master list per grade level) Begin to think about what types of progress monitoring should be done for these studentsBegin to think about what types of progress monitoring should be done for these students Bring examples of progress monitoring being doneBring examples of progress monitoring being done
How about…??? Compass LearningCompass Learning New Computer LabNew Computer Lab NWEA progress monitoringNWEA progress monitoring DibelsDibels Fact Practice – Stablow’s room/new labFact Practice – Stablow’s room/new lab
Staff Survey Please take time to fill our staff survey regarding changes, initiatives, challenges, or success from the start of the school year.
In Closing…