Literacy Vision Statement Aiken County Public Schools demonstrates an unwavering commitment of the educational community to embrace their responsibility for ensuring that each student at any level becomes a successful reader and writer.
Guided Reading (Small Group Instruction) ACPS Division of Instruction and Accountability
Aiken Resources
Outcomes Recognize the need for strong classroom management and set-up to facilitate Guided Reading Understand the structure of an effective small group lesson
Overview of Guided Reading (Small Group Instruction) - Teacher utilizes data and assessments (MAP, running records,Dominie, etc.) to group students and to guide instruction. -Teacher pre-selects a book that is appropriate for the purpose of the guided reading and instructional level of the students. -Teacher sets focus/purpose for the guided reading group. -Teacher previews the text with the student through picture walk,discussion, etc. -Teacher may include word work in the lesson during the reading of text. -Teacher allows students to make predictions about the text.
Overview of Guided Reading (Small Group Instruction) - Teacher reads aloud the first few pages of the text to or with the students. -Teacher allows students to read the text quietly to themselves or with a partner for a purpose. -Teacher monitors, documents, and provides feedback to students as they read aloud quietly to him/her. -Teacher talks about the text with the students after they read. -Teacher utilizes questioning techniques to monitor students’ comprehension. -Teacher utilizes strategies to enhance the mastery of standards.
A Thought “ How I set up my classroom, the way I organize my day, and the materials I provide can either ‘make or break’ my efforts to work effectively with children. I take to heart Don Holdaway’s advice in Independence in Reading: ‘ Much of our teaching energy is spent on compensating for an unfavorable environment. It would be far more sensible to use our energies first on the environment itself.’” Sharon Taberski: On Solid Ground
Classroom Set-up Purposeful location of centers/stations Accessible materials Classroom library organized and leveled Desks arranged for collaboration Organized area to lead a small group
What are my other students doing while I’m leading a small group? Independently reading Literacy centers/stations – – The Daily Five—Read to Self, Read to Someone, Work on Writing – Debbie Diller books: Making The Most of Small Groups Literacy Work Stations Practice with Purpose
Signals To minimize interruptions For movement/rotation Managing noise level Getting student’s attention
Ideas from Aiken County Public School Teachers stop sign ask three before me cups hat lights music songs and chants wind chime rain stick train whistle clapping Smartboard timer
The Structure of a Guided Reading Lesson Refer to the ACPS Literacy Model Dynamic, flexible grouping Selecting the Text Before Reading During Reading After Reading
Before Reading – Previews the text – Activates prior knowledge – Sets a purpose for reading – Makes predictions
During Reading – Teacher reads, and then listens to individual students read. – Monitor comprehension asking questions rereading Interacting with the text (note-taking, post-it notes. response journals) – Make personal connections – Create pictures (visualizing) – Check previous predictions, make new predictions
– Reflect on what was read – Summarize the major ideas – Interpret and evaluate the ideas in the text – Synthesize information from a variety of texts to produce opinions – Praise point – Teaching point After Reading
Action Video - “Reading with a Small Group”, Scott Foresman
Reflection Questions Are my students able to move responsibly during transitions and work independently? Can the student, after your small group instruction, read independently with fluency and be able to understand it? Can the student apply what is taught to any text?
Resources Boushey, G. & Moser, J., (2006). The daily five: Fostering literacy independence in the elementary grades. Portland, ME; Stenhouse. Diller, D., (2003). Literacy work stations: Making centers work. Portland, ME; Stenhouse. Diller, D., (2005). Practice with purpose: Literacy work stations for grades 3-6. Portland, ME; Stenhouse. Diller, D., (2007). Making the most of small groups: Differentiation for all. Portland, ME; Stenhouse. Harvey, S. & Goudvis, A.., (2000). Strategies that work. Portland, ME; Stenhouse.