INTER CASTE MARRIAGE AND VIOLENCE IN TAMILNADU Presented by K.Manivasakam PhD Research Scholar in Sociology(CSSEIP) Bharathidasan University Tamil Nadu Mobile:
Objectives I) to Study on Inter-caste marriage system in Tamil nadu II) to elaborate the on Inter-caste marriage III) to find the suggestion Inter-caste marriage violence
Who are Dalit The word “Dalit” comes from the Sanskrit root dal- and means “broken, ground- down, downtrodden, or oppressed.” Those previously known as Untouchables, Depressed Classes, and Harijans are today increasingly adopting the term “Dalit” as a name for themselves. Dalit” refers to one’s caste rather than class; it applies to members of those menial castes which have born the stigma of “untouchability” because of the extreme impurity and pollution connected with their traditional occupations. Dalits are ‘outcastes’ falling outside the traditional four-fold caste system consisting of the hereditary Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya, and Shudra classes; they are considered impure and polluting and are therefore physically and socially excluded and isolated from the rest of society.
Dalit Tamil nadu (scenario) Dalits from almost one-fifths of the total population in Tamilnadu. There are lakh SCs, and 5.74 lakh STS in the state. It makes 19.18% and 1.03% of the total population respectively(2001)
Inter-caste Marriage The inter-caste marriage is the dalit (Untouchable) people get marrying of higher castes people.
· Atrocities Against Dalits 27 atrocities against Dalits every day · 13 Dalits murdered every week · 5 Dalits homes or possessions burnt every week · 6 Dalits kidnapped or abducted every week · 3 Dalits women raped every day · 11 Dalits beaten every day · A crime committed against a Dalits every 18 minutes (NCDHR)
Conflict in Tamilnadu According to NGO that 80 per cent of women, Adversely affected by inter-caste marriage,belonged to the Dalit community The high number of inter-caste marriages in the country, the achievement of real caste intermingling can be calculated only by looking at cases of dalits marrying people of higher castes. which was not the case in the country. At least 1,000 women died in India due to atrocities committed against them in the name of caste, out of which 47% were killed due to inter-caste marriages and about 36% were suicides.
Suggestion A nationwide debate and imposition of special laws are the only remedies to stop such crimes in the country. Ngo,co,vo to given the awareness.
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