Motion Tween allow us to move a shape on the stage from one place to another. In order to use motion tween, the shape to be moved must be converted to a symbol. A symbol is an object stored in flash movie and can be used and inserted in the stage several times as needed. To convert a shape to a symbol. 1. Select the shape by the selection tool from toolbox 2. Click MRC on the shape and choose (Convert to Symbol). Or, you can press F8. Or, (Modify Convert to Symbol)
You can add a expressive name to that symbol in the Name text field. Then, choose (Graphic) from the Type part. After you press (OK), the shape will be converted to graphic symbol and it will be added to Library panel
Library panel is a container used to hold all the objects needed to build a movie. It can hold symbols, images, audio and video files. You can use an object from the library simply by dragging and dropping it in the stage. If the library panel was not shown , press (Ctrl+L) or choose (window Library)
After converting the shape to a symbol, you will notice a blue rectangle surrounding it. Ex) use the previous steps to draw a circle shape and then, convert it to graphic symbol. After that add a number of copies of it in the stage.
Ex) This example shows how to move a shape from one place to another using motion tween. (motionTween.fla) 1. Create a flash file 2. Draw a circle in the first frame and convert it to graphic symbol. 3. Create a keyframe in frame# Move the circle symbol to another place in the stage. 5. MLC on frame#1, then go to (property inspector) and choose (motion) from Tween DropDownList.
Motion guide: directing the movement of a symbol using a drawn path. Ex) this example shows how to make a circle symbol moves on a drawn curved line. (motion_giude.fla) 1. Create a new flash file. 2. Create a circle graphic symbol. 3. Name the layer as "graphic “. 4. Right click on the "graphic" label (layer name) and select "Add Motion Guide" 5. A new layer will appear on top of the "graphic" layer with the label "Guide:graphic ”
6. Draw the path for your symbol in this new layer using pencil or line tool. For example: draw a curved line. 7. Select frame 50 of guide layer and press "F5" to insert frames. 8. Now go to "Frame 1" of "graphic" layer and drag your symbol to one end of your path. The circle on the center of the symbol should cross the curved line.
9. Now go to "Frame 50" of "graphic" layer and press F6 to insert a new keyframe. 10. Now drag your symbol to other end of your path. Again, The circle on the center of the symbol should cross the curved line. 11. MLC on frame#1, then go to (property inspector) and choose (motion) from Tween DropDownList. 12. Test the movie.
A scene in flash contains one or more layers that show related objects, in the stage, that act and interact to deliver a certain idea. When creating a flash file, it will have one scene by default (named as Scene 1). A created movie can have one or more scenes. To insert a new scene into your movie: Go to (insert scene) in the flash menubar.
To delete and rename a scene in your movie: Go to (Window Design Panels Scene) in menubar Or, Shift + F2 Then a new panel (scene) will be displayed. Using it, you can delete, rename, duplicate existing scenes. You also can insert a scene using it. duplicate insertdelete
ActionScript is a way to communicate with a program. you can use it to tell Flash what to do and to ask Flash what is happening as a movie runs. This two-way communication lets you create interactive movies. ActionScript is the code statements you write to interacts with flash program. ActionScript can be added to frames or some flash objects (such as buttons)
To open the (Actions) panel in which you can add ActionScript: Go to (Window Development Panels Actions) in menubar Or, press F9 The following slides shows the different parts that compose the Action panel.
Add action script code here Built-in functionalities Objects and frames that hold actionscripts The object or frame that holds The written action script
Button symbol is used to perform some action when pressing on it. To create a button symbol: 1. Create new flash file 2. Draw a rectangle then select it. 3. Convert it to a button symbol, call this symbol (myButton) This can be done by selecting the shape and pressing F8 4. Now, select the button (myButton) and press F9 to display the action script of it.
5. Write action script as follows: Symbol name To print on output window (The code to be executed) Means that the the code in { } will be executed when pressing myButton
6. On the Stage, double-click the logo button that you created to view the button Timeline (to enter symbol-editing mode). The button Timeline contains the following states: Up : the button state when it is not pressed Over : the button state when the mouse is over it Down : the button state when it is pressed 7. Change the Up, Over, and Down state by inserting a key frame and changing the color on each one. 8. Click Scene 1, above the upper left side of the Stage, to exit symbol-editing mode for the button.
Some useful timeline functions that controls playhead movement in a Timeline : 1. stop(); It is used to stop the playhead and stop the movie playing. 2. play(); It is used to resume the movie after stopping it. 3. nextFrame(); It is used to advance to the next frame 4. prevFrame(); It is used to return to the previous frame
1. nextScene(); It is used to advance to the next scene. 2. prevScene(); It is used to return to the previous scene 3. gotoAndStop(scene_name, frame_no); It moves the playhead to the scene (scene_name) at frame number (frame_no) and stops there. Scene_name should be enclosed by “”. Frame_no should be an integer. 4. gotoAndPlay(scene_name, frame_no); The same as previous function without stopping
Ex) This example shows how to use timeline functions. 1. Create a new flash file. 2. Rename the scene to “ firstScene ” 3. Select Frame 1 of layer In the Actions panel, verify that Frame 1 is selected. 5. Click in the Script pane of the Actions panel, and type stop(); to add the stop action. To verify that Frame 1 is selected
6. Create a new scene and name it “ newScene ” 7. In scene “ newScene ” draw a circle and make it moves from one place to another. 8. In the Action panel of the last frame of “ newScene ” add (stop();) command 9. Return to the first scene, add a button in the stage and type the following statement to the action panel of that button: gotoAndPlay( “ newScene ”,1); 10. Test the scene
Make a flash program that shows the steps needed to learn the subtraction process. See the file (subtraction.swf) You have to use a button to transfer from step to another.