Who is your best friend? What adjectives would you use to describe him or her?
What adjectives best describe you?
What is a symbol?
Draw the symbols that you know.
How do we use symbols?
What are the components of visual symbols? Color Shape Texture Light/ Shadow Lines/ Style
What symbols can you think of that represent who you are? Personality Goals Struggles Strengths Learning Style Places and Activities that Inspire You
What is a logo?
If you were to create a logo for yourself, what would it include? What colors, shapes, textures could represent the ideas from your initial brainstorm about yourself?
Your Task You will be creating a logo that represents who you are. This logo will include visual symbols and a slogan that encompasses an important aspect or aspects of your personality and character.
Criteria You must use color, shape, light, and other visual style elements in a meaningful way. If you are using a common symbol or symbols, you need to give them your own twist. Your slogan must be original. Do not plagiarize.
It may be two dimensional (on paper) or three dimensional. These will be displayed in the room. Please include a picture of yourself (past or present) with your image. Do not attach the image to the picture. Other students will have the challenge of matching pictures to projects.
Tonight= Brainstorm Come up with 8-10 adjectives that describe who you are. Brainstorm specific symbols or visual elements you think could represent these ideas. Consider: your personality, your values, your goals, your interests.
How are words like symbols?
What words can you think of that evoke a sense of freedom?