Matthew 12:9-32
The unmerciful accuse and condemn the merciful, 12:10 (Rom. 1:31) (Jno. 9:13-16; Lk. 15:25-32) Angers and grieves the Lord (Mk. 3:4-5) Mercy values its object, 12:11-12 (Matt. 23:23; 5:7) Urgency to destroy Jesus, 12:14 (Prov. 21:13; 2 Sam. 22:26-28) 2
Brought peace, justice and truth His work to be done in His time, 12:15-16 (Jno. 5:36) “Declare justice to the Gentiles” (truth) Presence of Spirit of God is evidence of Messiah’s kingdom, Isa. 42:1; Matt. 12:28 Redemption, 12:19-21 (Isa. 42:4) 3
Fulfilled Messianic prophecy, 12:17-21 God’s Servant, 12:18 (Phil. 2:5-8) Chosen by God (anointed, Christ), 12:18 Spirit of God (power, unity), 12:18, 28 Declared justice to Gentiles (law, truth), 12:18; Isa. 42:3; Psa. 19:9; 119:29-30 Did not seek personal praise, 12:19-20 Gentiles will trust Him, 12:21 (Ac 13:47) 4
Miracle called attention to Him, 12:22-23 (15-16) The accusation against Him, 12:24 Jesus answers the charge, 12:25-30 Chaos principle, 12:25-28 (Lk. 11:20) Plunder principle, 12:29 (Lk. 11:21-22) No neutrality, 12:30 (Lk. 11:23) 5
Not forgiven as long as one denies Jesus is the Messiah by denying His power and attributing it to Satan (Mark 3:28-30) In His warning, Jesus emphasized the Divine Power and Presence 6
Came to serve sinners by serving the will of God Preach the gospel of truth Provide evidence He is the Messiah Prove the mercy and justice of God We must trust His power and truth There is no other Savior (Acts 4:12) 7