Platypus By Zara Gottlieb
Introduction Did you ever know that platypuses are the only mammal to lay eggs. You are going to learn about this amazing platypus. So then we should go explore about platypuses like there adaption, where it lives and what it eats. Did you ever know that platypuses are the only mammal to lay eggs. You are going to learn about this amazing platypus. So then we should go explore about platypuses like there adaption, where it lives and what it eats.
What does it eat First, we’ll see what the platypus eats. They find their food mostly in water. Also platypuses use their bills to eat. Their bills are their mouths. Have you ever known that insects and larva pretty much make up their diet? Small snails and worms make up a healthy meal as well. Did you know the weird thing that they eat? They can devour 200 meal worms and 2 small frogs up to a day. So that is pretty much all about there food so let’s keep on exploring.
Habitat Next, we are going to talk about their habitat. Most live in burrows near lake shores. The burrows are about 15 to 60 feet long. Usually wild platypuses live in the eastern. That’s all about their habitats. Next, we are going to talk about their habitat. Most live in burrows near lake shores. The burrows are about 15 to 60 feet long. Usually wild platypuses live in the eastern. That’s all about their habitats.
Adaptations Last but not least, we will discover their adaptations. Did you know that they paddle like beavers? They also spend most of their time in the water. They have folded black webbed skin that help them walk and dig on land. Adaptations are cool well that’s what I think. That’s all I have for adaptations but lets keep on going.
Conclusion At last, I hope you liked learning about this amazing animal. Maybe you can write a report about an animal because they’re really fun to write about. At last, I hope you liked learning about this amazing animal. Maybe you can write a report about an animal because they’re really fun to write about.
Resources Books: Books: The Animal Atlas by: Barbara Taylor The Platypus Book by: The Platypus Book by: Web Sites: Web Sites: