Workplace Stress & Health Workplace violence & its management Substance abuse in the workplace Workplace stress EAP & Wellness programs
Workplace Violence The scope of the problem Early signs –Verbal threats –Physical action –Troublesome behaviors: low frustration tolerance, tendency toward obsession
Workplace Violence Management Screen out potentially violent applicants Require employees with minor aggressive behaviors to meet with specialists Have a clear and well communicated policy Train managers to recognize early signs Keep employees informed of organizational changes
Substance Abuse Alcoholism: Estimate $86 billion lost in productivity, involved in 47% of industrial accidents, 50% of auto fatalities, may afflict up to 10% of execs. Drug abuse: Estimate $30 billion lost in productivity. Typical recreational user is tardy, absent, has more accidents and is less productive than drug-free employee
Substance Abuse Management Alcoholism: Interventions work especially when threatened with loss of job Drug testing:The Drug Free Workplace Notify workers of requirements and consequences of violating policy, test all members of the organization, make sure the program is ADA compliant and legal. Can successfully reduce drug use!
Stress A pattern of behavioral, emotional, and physiological reactions that occur in response to demanding events (stressors)
The Process of Stress Individual Factors Organizational Factors Behavioral Symptoms Psychological Symptoms Physiological symptoms Experienced Stress
Stress Factors Organizational Demanding Jobs Competing demands Role ambiguity Job responsibility Isolation Unpleasant working conditions Individual Stressful life events Daily stress Personality Perception
Consequences of Stress Physiological Symptoms –Headaches, High blood pressure, Heart disease Psychological Symptoms –Anxiety, Depression, Burnout, Callousness Behavioral Symptoms –Productivity loss, Withdrawal
Managing Stress Personal approaches –Lifestyle, Physiological, Cognitive Organizational approaches –Job redesign –Social support –Family friendly policies
EAPs EAPs: Programs which provide counseling and service to troubled employees –Managers need to identify behavior which signals trouble –Company needs to communicate program & policy Evaluation: Seem to be cost effective
Wellness Programs Focus is on prevention Educate employees about health risks Introduce programs to reduce health risks and modify risky behavior Help employees maintain new behaviors Evaluate
Backwards and Forwards Summing up: Today we looked at problem areas such as violence, substance abuse & stress in the workplace & ways to deal with & prevent their occurrence through employee assistance programs &wellness programs. Looking ahead: Next time we focus on international aspects human resource management. This topic becomes more important as mergers and acquisitions in business cross international boundaries