1. 2 Welcome To Cub Scout Roundtable !!! Kit Carson District.


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Presentation transcript:


2 Welcome To Cub Scout Roundtable !!! Kit Carson District

3 Demonstration Ceremony

4 Beads! One for each activity: – Yellow – Roundtable Attendance – Blue – 6, 12, etc. Month Roundtable Attendance – Gold – Presenter – Red – Staff – Specials – For special events

5 Cub Scout Themes Scouting MonthCore ValueTheme September 2015Clean Cubservation October 2015Brave Super Cub! November 2015Helpful Cubs in Action December 2015Reverent Winter Wonderland January 2016Trustworthy The Great Race February 2016Friendly Friends Near and Far March 2016Thrifty Cubstruction April 2016Faith Strike Up The Band May 2016Cheerful My Animal Friends June 2016Kind It’s a Hit July 2016Loyal Scout Salute August 2016Courteous S’More Cub Scout Fun

6 Pack Activity Highlight This Month: Animal Fair

7 Cub Scout Interest Topic Month of November: Recognizing Leaders

8 Cub Den Leader Award & Knot Requirements: Complete one year as a registered den leader in the position selected Complete the basic training for the selected den leader position. Complete This Is Scouting training. Attend a pow wow or university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at least four roundtables

9 Den Leader Award Con’t Do five of the following during the tenure used for this award: 1.Have an assistant den leader who meets regularly with your den. 2.Have a den chief who meets regularly with your den. 3.Graduate at least 70 percent of your den to the next level. 4.Take leadership in planning and conducting a den service project. 5.Have a published den meeting/activity schedule for the den’s parents. 6.Participate with your den in a Cub Scout day camp or resident camp. 7.Complete Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO). 8.Complete Outdoor Leader Skills for Webelos Leaders. 9.Participate with your den in at least one family camp; if your den is a Webelos den, participate with your den in at least two overnight camps. 10.Take leadership in planning two den outdoor activities. 11.Hold monthly den meeting and den activity planning sessions with your assistant den leaders

10 Unit Leader Award of Merit Requirements The nominee must: 1.Be a currently registered Cubmaster who has served in that position at least 18 continuous months. 2.Meet the training requirements for the registered position. 3.Distribute a printed or electronic annual unit program plan and calendar to each family in the unit. 4.Have a leader succession plan in place. 5.Effectively use the advancement method so that at least 60 percent of the unit’s youth have advanced at least once during the last 12 months. 6.Cultivate a positive relationship with the chartered organization. 7.Project a positive image of Scouting in the community.

11 Unit Leader Award, Con’t Nomination Procedure: 1.The unit committee chair completes the Unit Leader Award of Merit Nomination Form on behalf of the unit committee. The unit or district commissioner certifies that the form is complete. 2.The unit submits the nomination form to the council for approval by the Scout executive and council commissioner or president.

12 Scouter’s Training Award for Cub Scouting Complete at least two years of tenure as a registered adult leader in a Cub Scout pack. Complete basic training for any Cub Scout leader position. Complete This Is Scouting training. Attend a pow wow or university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at least four roundtables (or equivalent) during each year of the tenure used for this award

13 Training Award, Con’t Participate in an annual pack planning meeting in each year. Serve as an adult leader in a pack that achieves at least the Bronze level of Journey to Excellence in each year. Give primary leadership in meeting at least one pack Journey to Excellence objective in each year Participate in at least one additional supplemental or advanced training event at the council, area, region or national level during the two years.

14 Cubmaster’s Key 1.Complete basic training for Cubmasters. 2.Complete This Is Scouting training 3.Attend a pow wow or university of Scouting (or equivalent), or attend at least four roundtables (or equivalent) during each year of the tenure used for this award. 4.Achieve at least the Silver level of Journey to Excellence for at least two years. The Quality Unit Award is acceptable if the tenure used is prior to Earn the National Summertime Pack Award at least once. 6.Conduct an annual pack planning session and have a published pack meeting/activity schedule for the pack’s parents in each year. 7.Participate in at least one additional supplemental or advanced training event at the council, area, region, or national level.

15 Plaque Making Trick Use a Cub Scouting chocolate mold and Durham’s Water Putty to make inexpensive plaques

16 Breakouts !!! Den Leaders – Robby Wright: Day Camp, Webelos Camping Cubmasters – Randy Smith Campfire Programs Pack Committee – Randy Smith National Summertime Award Plan Verification

17 Answer: The Chartered Organization Representative is also a voting member of the Council Executive Committee Trivia Question: Animation One member of each unit is also a member of the Council Executive Committee. Who is it?

18 Cub Leader Training CLST: May 21stFelicita LDS Church

19 District Dinner – May 18th This will be the last District dinner as Kit Carson district District Award of Merit and District Driver awards presented here Meet with your friends We are working on more fun for the dinner

20 Roundtable Materials on District Website Click the Training tab Click the RT link To ask a question, click the RT question link Animation

21 May Roundtable May 10th, 7pm Felicita LDS Church Pack Picnic/Sports Night, Summer Safety, Leading Games, Youth Leadership

22 Closing