Welcome to THS & the school of your future high school graduate! Class of 2020
What does it take to succeed in high school? The research tells us: Parent involvement in young adolescent students' transition from middle to high school is critical. When parents are involved in students' transition to high school, they tend to stay involved in their child's school experiences. When parents are involved in their child's high school experiences, students achieve more; are better adjusted, and are less likely to drop out of school. The concern for educators is that, typically, parent involvement in young adolescents' school related activities decreases during the transition from middle school to high school. -Transition from Middle School into High School Nancy B. Mizelle and Judith L. Irvin
Our Guidance Team Alicia Croker, Shannon Renfroe, & Kent Stevens Graduation REQUIREMENTS: 2.0 GPA Algebra I EOC 10 th Grade FSA Reading 24 credits: 4 English 4 Math 3 Science 3 Social Studies (starting in 10 th grade) 8 electives & one practical/fine arts, 1 HOPE, 1 online
Our Guidance Team Homework Late work policy GPA Attendance - Ms. Muniz Supplies What to do if you need supplies? – See Guidance
The “Summer Slide”
Electives/Career Technical Education ChorusAgriculture BandArt ( photography/2D/3D graphic design) Musical TheatreDCTCare & Prevention of Injuries Health Sciences I/IIGamingSports Officiating Legal Admin. AssistantBasketballWeightlifting Allied Health 3TrackVolleyball CNASoftball Spanish I/II Soccer
AVID: Advancement Via Individual Determination If you have: If you like: Average to high test scoresVisiting colleges 3.0 or higher GPATaking field trips College Potential with SupportDeveloping close friendships Desire and DeterminationGetting extra academic help Avid is an in-school academic support program for students that prepares them for college eligibility & success!
Clubs HOSAStudent Government Association Key ClubBest Buddies Hi-Q Fellowship of Christian Athletes DramaFuture Farmers of America Astronomy Club Computer Programming BandHOPE
Athletics Cheerleading Cross Country Golf Girls Volleyball Swimming Football Girls Soccer Boys Soccer Girls Weightlifting Girls Basketball Boys Basketball Bowling Softball Tennis Baseball Track & Field Boys Weightlifting Boys Volleyball
Safety & Security Things that are not illegal to possess but can NOT be on campus and have been found or may be somewhat commonly left in vehicle (or things that have been found in the past): Weapons Ammunition Knives Fireworks Tobacco product (assuming 18 years of age) Medication (prescription or over the counter)
Safety & Security Reminders: Parking on campus, though not free, is a privilege not a right. Cyberbullying is the same as bullying, ZERO TOLERANCE! Bullying is not just a threat of violence, it is anything threatening, harassing, embarrassing, or insulting. Though it is recommended that students speak with administration first, my door is always open. If a student is serving an out of school suspension and enters or remains on ANY Lake County school property is subject to arrest for a misdemeanor charge of “trespassing” per FL Statute (1) (b).
Thank You! On behalf of all the faculty members at Tavares High School and Tavares Middle School, we sincerely thank you for joining us this evening. We look forward to a continued relationship geared toward producing happy, healthy, and productive young adults! Don’t forget to join us on August 8 th, 6:00 – 7:30pm for our annual Orientation. During this event, students and their parents will be able to pick up schedules, meet their teachers, and find their classrooms. Upper classmen may join us at 6:30.