Aim: What are the parts and function of the Human Peripheral Nervous System? I. Peripheral Nervous System – consists of all the nerves of all types that branch through the body from the central nervous system. A. The PNS has two main divisions voluntary actions 1. Somatic Nervous system – includes the nerves that control the voluntary actions of the skeletal muscles (biceps, triceps, quads and etc.)
automatic involuntary 2. Autonomic Nervous System – consists of nerves regulating automatic functions such as the actions of glands and involuntary muscle (intestines, blood vessels, heart muscle).
a. Sympathetic nervous system – involved in “fight or flight” response. Increases heart beat and also causes hormones such as adrenaline to be released.
b. Parasympathetic Nervous System – has the opposite effect of the sympathetic nervous system. Known as the “rest and digest” system. It helps conserve energy by slowing down the heartbeat and increases digestion.