Divisions of the Nervous System
Divisions Overview CCentral Nervous System PPeripheral Nervous System SSomatic AAutonomic Parasympathetic Sympathetic
Central Nervous System (CNS) Central Nervous System Consists of the Brain Spinal Cord Both are covered/surrounded by Three layers called meninges Cerebrospinal fluid Shock absorber for the brain
Brain Composed of 3 separate parts Cerebrum (includes hypothalamus and thalamus) Cerebellum Brain Stem
Cerebrum Largest and most prominent portion Responsible for Voluntary or conscious activities Has 2 hemispheres Right Controls left half of body Creativity and artistic ability Left Controls right half of body Analytical and mathematical abilities
Cerebrum Is made larger by folds and grooves on its surface Grooves in the tissue divide it into 4 lobes Frontal: personality, reasoning Occipital: vision Parietal: sensory Temporal: speech, hearing
Cerebrum Made of 2 layers Cerebral cortex Processes information from senses Controls body movements Made of nerve cell bodies (called grey matter) Inner layer Connects cortex and brain stem Made of axons with myelin (white matter)
Cerebellum SSecond largest region of the brain LLocated at the back of the skull CCoordinate your movements Posture, Balance, Agility
Brain Stem Connects brain and spinal cord Located beneath the cerebellum 3 major areas Pons Regulates breathing, passes signals between brain and spinal cord Midbrain Reflexes Medulla Oblongata Connects brain to spinal cord Heart function, vomiting, swallowing, coughing
Thalamus and Hypothalamus Found between brain stem and cerebrum Thalamus Sorts info from sensory organs and passes signals between the spinal cord and other parts of the brain Hypothalamus Controls and recognizes Temperature Thirst Hunger
Spinal Cord Acts as a communication link between the brain and rest of body uses 31 pairs of nerves that branch Certain types of info are only processed in the spinal cord Reflexes Quick response to stimulus
Reflexes Quick response to a stimuli Sneezing Blinking Gag Signal does not have to travel from spinal cord to brain Called Reflex arcs
Peripheral Nervous System Consists of all nerves and associated cells not in the brain or spinal cord Split into two pieces Sensory Motor Also divided into two more regions Autonomic Nervous System Somatic nervous system
Somatic Nervous System Mainly regulates activities that are under conscious control Ex: Moving of arms or legs
Autonomic Nervous System Regulates body processes that are under unconscious control Controls Heart rate Breathing Blood flow Sweat glands Digestion
Autonomic Nervous System Split into two parts The two parts oppose one another Sympathetic nervous system Parasympathetic nervous system
Sympathetic Nervous System IInitiates flight or fight mode SSpeeds up heart rate and blood flow SSlows digestion PProduces more adrenaline CControls wakefulness PPupils dilate
Parasympathetic Nervous System Does opposite of sympathetic – controls “relaxation” Decreases heart rate and blood flow Brings digestion back to normal Constricts pupils Lowers adrenaline output
Review Parts and functions of the Nervous system Central Peripheral Somatic Autonomic Sympathetic Parasympathetic
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