How does anxiety impact an entire family? Anxiety can impact a family in many ways. The symptoms that the person has can affect the relationship of that person and the rest of their family. It can cause the ability you have to interact with other family members. (“What Is The Impact Of An Anxiety Disorder”) It doesn’t matter who has the anxiety disorder because the conditions of the anxiety disorder affects the lifestyles of every person in their family.
How does anxiety impact an entire family? Slide 2 Anxiety isolates the person that is diagnosed with that anxiety disorder and it also isolates the members of that persons family. Which causes their family members to basically go through the same stuff that person with anxiety goes through. Anxiety disorder of one person can break the family apart to the point where the husband is cheating and the whole family is always into fights with one another. ("The Impact of Anxiety Disorders”).
What are the effects that certain anxiety disorders have on people? OCD (Obsessive compulsive anxiety disorder) causes uncontrollable compulsions. Which can hamper with the ability for one to function. Panic anxiety disorder causes spontaneous occurrence of panic attacks. It will make people suddenly have feelings of terror. Which may come out of nowhere. Complex post traumatic stress disorder takes place in people who have been under prolonged (repeated traumatic stress for months or years). Children in abusive homes, people in concentration camps, and people that have experienced domestic violence for a long period of time are affected by PTSD.
What are the effects that certain anxiety disorders have on people? Slide 2 Social anxiety (social phobia) is where a person feels a strong, overpowering fear in social situations. It can happen suddenly even if you have never experienced it before, it could happen in certain situations. Phobias are an irrational fear. Phobias can vary from mild fear to terror that may affect daily living styles of an individual. ("Types of Anxiety Disorders." ) Anxiety can be biological but in most cases it is caused by emotional factors. (Little)
How common is anxiety? Everyone feels anxiety. Anxiety is a part of every person and it can tell you when something may be wrong. If you don’t have at least one kind of anxiety, you can put yourself in danger. ("How common is anxiety? - How many people suffer from anxiety?”) A teen with anxiety should not feel alone. Many teens that have anxiety may have feelings of intense stress, worry fear and panic. ("How common is anxiety? - Is Anxiety common in Teens?").
How is anxiety diagnosed? Anxiety has many steps to follow to figure out what type of anxiety you have and the specific causes in each case of anxiety. Steps for diagnosing anxiety: 1. The doctor will ask some questions to pin the anxiety symptoms. 2. The doctor will try to determine what the anxiety disorder is that you are dealing with. 3. The doctor will ask you for a physical exam so that the doctor can figure out if anxiety is in your family history. 4. The doctor will ask if you have any health conditions because medication can have an effect on the anxiety that you may have or do have.
How is anxiety diagnosed? Slide 2 5. The doctor will ask you about your habits that are in your lifestyle. 6. The doctor will ask you if you consume substances like caffeine or nicotine because these things can trigger or intensify anxiety. 7. The doctor will perform a psychiatric evaluation after they figure out the physical factors of your anxiety problems. 8. The doctor will talk to you about what it is that you are experiencing, when the symptoms began, how long you have been experiencing the anxiety you have, and their severity. 9. The doctor will tell you the steps needed to do these observations and they will ask you a lot of questions about the symptoms that you are having and that is how they will figure out what anxiety disorder you have. 10. The doctor will tell you what anxiety disorder they think you have described to them and they will get you the help they think you will need. ( Little)
How is anxiety diagnosed? Slide 3 The doctor will do a physical exam and then ask you questions about you life history and about your current life style to try and diagnose what anxiety disorder you have. To get diagnosed for a anxiety disorder, you must have more stress and worry than normal. After being diagnosed the worry, stress and physical symptoms can be hard to do normal activities and everyday things like going to work or to the market. ("How to Diagnose and Treat Anxiety Disorder”)
How can anxiety be prevented? Anxiety can not be prevented. But there are ways that you can control or maybe decrease the symptoms you are having: –You can lower the amount of caffeine products you consume. –Before you take any over the counter medication, you should consult your doctor or pharmacist. (most of the medicine contains chemicals that will interfere with the anxiety and make it worse than it is. –Keep a balanced diet by exercising regularly and by eating healthy foods. –You should go back and seek counseling and support after you have had a disturbing or traumatic experience or if you are going through a bad experience at that time. (" An Overview of Anxiety Disorders.“) –You can practice stress management by doing techniques such as yoga and meditation. –Do not use over-the-counter medication unless prescribed by the doctor or pharmacist. ("Anxiety Symptoms, Causes, Treatment”)
How is anxiety treated? Anxiety disorders can be treated but they require real treatment and not just a matter of will and self-discipline. There are three top treatments that the doctor will suggest for you to do. –Medication- used to reduce the symptoms of your anxiety. Medication is one of the most used treatments for anxiety. (“How Effective is Anxiety Medication?.”) –Psychotherapy- addresses the emotional response to the mental illness that the person is experiencing. –Cognitive-behavioral therapy- people learn how to recognize their thoughts and change the patterns of their thoughts. And to try and change their behavior that may cause their troublesome feelings. (" An Overview of Anxiety Disorders.“)
How do people that are diagnosed with anxiety overcome it? There are three ways to overcome an anxiety attack: –Stop over thinking- when you start to feel the affects happen, you should either go outside and get fresh air or do something that distracts you from what you are doing. (this shuts down the logical thinking of the brain which is a major problem of an anxiety attack). –Begin rationalizing- you would use the “panic book” which allows you to write down all your thoughts that you are having during the panic attacks. It helps you to end your panic attach much faster than any other method. –Avoid pills- they say try to learn how the brain works before you go straight to “magic pills”. Most people resort to pills but it is the worst way to go. Using pills makes the problem larger on its own. ("3 Quick Tips to Overcome”).
How do people that are diagnosed with anxiety overcome it? Slide 2 In order to overcome anxiety you have to have courage to do it. You mind and body are interlinked, that is why it is difficult to be able to tell what anxiety disorder you might have. In order to overcome anxiety you need to: –Understand the anxiety problem you are having, what may have developed and what may be or are the effects of it) –Search for reasons and the answers to a point where your research can be given up. –You should reduce the amount of bad and negative thoughts you have and the bad images or behaviors. –You should develop more positive thought and beliefs and behaviors and that will help to overcome the anxiety you have. ("Overcoming Anxiety." )
What are the side effects of anxiety, if any? The side effects of anxiety medication can vary depending on the type of anxiety and the person that has the anxiety. It can also depend on the type of medication and the dosage. The most common side effects are dizziness, confusion, sleepiness, and nausea. At high doses, the drugs they give you can cause serious and dangerous side effects. These side effects can start as decreased respiration, unconsciousness and maybe lead to death. ("Anxiety Medication Side Effects”)
What are the side effects of anxiety, if any? Slide 2 Common side effects of anxiety: –Pounding heart –Sweating –Stomach upset –Dizziness –Frequent urination –Diarrhea –Shortness of breath –Tremors –Twitches –Muscle tension –Headaches –Fatigue –Insomnia ("Anxiety Attacks and Disorders)
How do relaxation strategies help someone cope with anxiety? Progressive muscle relaxation- helps you release muscle tension and while you are doing that, it allows you to take a “time out” from all your worries caused y the anxiety. Deep breathing- when you deep breathe you are reversing the symptoms and it allows you to calm down. The symptoms that it causes is dizziness, breathlessness, lightheadedness, and tingly feeling in your feet and hands. Meditation- mindfulness meditation can change your brain (shows promise for anxiety relief). ("How to Stop Worrying”). Regular exercise, massage, music etc. can help with the relaxation of anxiety. Try to get your mind off of what is bothering you by getting into a conversation with some of your friends or getting into a conversation with people online if you don’t feel like talking to people in person.
How do relaxation strategies help someone cope with anxiety? Slide 2 You can also write down what is bothering you because by doing that it is letting everything out and that is good for your mind and body. ("Relaxation Techniques For Anxiety”).