3:00PM 3/14/2011 Search programs and files All Programs Shut Down User Documents Pictures Music Games Computer Control Panel Devices and Printers Default Programs Help and Support Tweet Monster Ultimate Procrastination Boogle Chrome PowerPoint Visual Studio 2013 RC Eclipse Application
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster Create Project Open Project Tweet Monster, forever harvesting twitter for experiences! They could be Happy but most likely depressing, teach tweet monster how to feel Open a Previously created project. Lets create something new Tweet Monster
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster Save This is just an epically low-fi prototype But you would fill this box with a short description of the experience You wish to find Description: Name: Happiness Create Your Project
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster Show Me How To Feel Query: search Self-dis.Dissemin. Opinion The Live Tweet Window: -Staring into my girlfriends eyes for hours makes me so happy! -All this cake makes me happy #cake #foodlove -It’s better to be happy than depressed #depressionsucks #happy #nothingbetter -Got plenty of PMA #happy -Money can’t buy you happiness but it can buy you a Ferrari to cry in #happy -Good morning people, feeling a GOOD day coming on! #Happy -Love is like a deck of cards, at the start it’s all hearts and diamonds, now all I want in my hands is a club and a spade #happy #sad -I’ve heard all about this tweet monster program and the hype is making me REALLY HAPPY! #thiscouldbegood #LEGENDARY -GTA V is making me HAPPY!!! #feelgood Refine Search Save Advance The user can drag and drop tweets into this box, each tab constitutes a group which helps identify what the tweet is about. Current groups are; Opinion, Self-dis and dissemination. Happy
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster Refine Your Search Just drag and drop tweets from here into any of the tabs above OpinionSelf-dis. General Dissem. Junk Export Find MoreAuto-SpreadAnalyse Save Save you current progress Analyse the data you’ve collects Find 100 more of what tweet monster thinks you want Spread the tweets Intelligently across the groups Export all your tweets for sharing
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster View Sample Save Export Analysis
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster View the Tweets View of all the tweets you’ve collect and some info on the tweets i.e. date, time, collected or imported OpinionSelf-dis. All Dissem.
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster Advance Search Functions Country of Origin Time from Specific Entities #winning,#yolo,#etc tab2tab3 #Hashtags tab4 Language About a Specific Place Retweet Limits from to Filter out EnglishNottinghamUnited Kingdom to 12:0023:30 Junk stuff
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster
3:00PM 3/14/2011 Tweet Monster Show Me How To Feel Query: search Self-dis.Dissemin. Opinion The Live Tweet Window. Refine Search Save Project Advance The user can drag and drop tweets into this box, each tab constitutes a group which helps identify what the tweet is about. Current groups are; Opinion, Self-dis and dissemination. > <