Spring 2-Growth and Change Foundation Stage 1
Personal, Social and Emotional Development Thorough-out the half term we will try different fruit and vegetables. We will celebrate keeping fit by taking part in Sports Relief. We will continue to learn how to be a kind friend.
Literacy In Literacy we will be looking at the texts ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ and ‘The Enormous Turnip’ We will be retelling the stories through role play and small world
It’s words We will be learning lots of new words relating to our topic and the books that we read. Our focus WOW words are; Beautiful, Nibble, Enormous and Gigantic.
Maths In maths we will be looking at shapes in the environment. We will be looking at symmetry relating to our story ‘The Hungry Caterpillar’. We will be looking at size- big and small.
Physical Development Throughout the half term we will look at the importance of a healthy life style and keeping fit. We will also be developing our fine motor skills through threading and weaving.
Understanding of the World In Understanding of the World we will be looking at the growth and change of plants, vegetables and caterpillars. We will also look at how and why people celebrate Mother’s Day and Easter.
Expressive Arts and Design In Art and Design we will experiment with colour mixing, printing and collage.