The Allies Definition:Enemy: Country Leader Government
Definition: An alliance of 26 nations aka the “United Nations.” England, Soviet Union, & U.S. were the most powerful “Allied Powers” Enemy=The Axis
Communism: There is NO private ownership of property/political freedom. The gov’t makes decisions about how many goods and services the country produces. Individuals have little say in economic production. In an ideal communist country, everyone is considered an “owner” of everything in the country. Communism was created to end inequality since everyone was to have same amount & quality of goods.
Gov’t controlled by 1 person or party: Suppressing freedom & controlling every aspect of life
When the revolution in Russia had taken place during WWI, Vladimir Lenin and the communists had over thrown the gov’t and the country was called the Union Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR or the Soviet Union). Joseph Stalin grew up around people who supported communism. By his early adulthood he was climbing up the ranks in the communist party, even though he was frequently in jail. When Lenin had died, Stalin had managed to replace him as dictator. Stalin created the 5 year plan to industrialize (keep up with the rest of the world) & control production/farms.
Anyone who opposed Stalin (foreigners, Nazis, anti-communists) was placed in the gulags—prison camps. Communist Party officials usually made decisions to benefit themselves, and food shortages often occurred. The goods that were available were often of poor quality. However, the USSR’s wartime production was typically stable.
England Churchill (Prime minister) Parliamentary Monarch (King)
On Sept. 30, 1938, Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain (of England) and Prime Minister Edouard Daladier (of France) signed an agreement which was meant to appease Hitler & Mussolini. The agreement basically said Hitler could annex (take possession) the Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia) and no one would start a war over this annexation. Czechoslovakia opposed but did not have any support from England & France to stop Nazi Germany. Neville Chamberlain resigned as Prime Minister in May 1940 and was replaced by Winston Churchill. Churchill had been warning King Edward VI of Hitler’s power.
World War II officially started on Sept. 1, Germany invaded Poland. By June 1940, Denmark, Norway, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands, and France were controlled by Nazi Germany despite the efforts by the Allies to stop Hitler With support from England, Charles de Gaulle (French general and president after WWII) set up temporary French forces in England since France was controlled by the Nazis. The Nazis gov’t that controlled France was called Vichy France. Churchill asked America for help and relied on the wartime supplies made by Americans.
The U.S. wanted to stay neutral. Between , Congress tried to avoid mistakes that had drawn them into WWI and passed a series of Neutrality Acts. These laws stated the president could not sell weapons/goods to countries that were in a war, could not give those countries money, and prohibited weapons to be shipped to those countries at war. Any goods sold to peaceful countries were “cash and carry” (money must be presented at the time of purchase). FDR followed a policy that wasn’t very neutral. The Lend – Lease Act(1941) gave countries weapons/supplies if it meant America would be safe from war. FDR & Churchill signed the Atlantic Charter--- principals the Allies should follow while fighting the Axis.
Here are a few points No territorial gains by US or GB People will have freedom to rule their country without influence from other countries Disarmament of military countries (similar to Woodrow Wilson’s 14 points) Roosevelt and Churchill sign Atlantic Charter
Congress approved the Selective Service Act before America entered the war. America was fighting an “undeclared” naval war with Germany in When ships were traveling the Atlantic Ocean, the navy attacked U-boats (“wolf packs”) in self-defense. America stopped trading(oil supply) with Japan after Tojo took French territories in Asia. Dec 7, 1941, Japan attacked naval base in Hawaii-- -an American territory. This event gave FDR & Congress a justified reason to declare war on the Axis and officially enter World War II.
Stopped trading with Japan after Tojo took French territories in Asia
Dec. 7, 1941 Pearl Harbor=Japan attacks naval base in Hawaii Dec. 8,1941- America declared war on Japan Dec. 11, Germany and Italy declared war on America results