Chapter 28- The Subjunctive Subjunctives ALL subjunctives indicate the ‘hypothetical’ or the ‘potential’ – If you remember this simple rule all subjunctives.


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 28- The Subjunctive

Subjunctives ALL subjunctives indicate the ‘hypothetical’ or the ‘potential’ – If you remember this simple rule all subjunctives will seem easier! In English this is expressed with ‘would’ ‘could’ ‘should’ – If only you would have studied your vocab! – I wish I could come to the party!

Subjunctive- Forms You need to be able to create the FORMS of the subjunctive as well as the USES There are FOUR tenses of the subjunctive (could be worse right?) – Present – Imperfect – Perfect – Pluperfect Conceptually, why is there no future tense of the subjunctive? – The future already has the ‘potentiality’ aspect of the subjunctive so it is not needed!

Subjunctives- Types There are two main types of subjunctives: independent and dependent – The independent subjunctives are the main verb of the sentence – The dependent subjunctives are NOT the main verb and are in a subordinate clause

Subjunctive- Present Tense To form the subjunctive in English we use helping words like ‘would’ ‘could’ ‘should’ In LATIN we show the subjunctive by changing the form of the verbs To form the subjunctive in the present tense we change the MAIN VOWEL but keep the SAME PERSONAL ENDINGS To remember the vowels just remember “we beat a friar” 1 st conjugation- Change the ā  e 2 nd conjugation- Change the ē  ea 3 rd conjugation- Change the e  a 2 nd conjugation- Change the ī  ia

Steps to create the present active subjunctive: 1.Find the present active infinitive (the 2nd principle part). amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus -re. 2.Take off the -re. amā 3.Change the stem vowel ā --> e 4.Add the personal ending to the stem. -t ame + -t = amet (he/she/it loves)

Subjunctive- Present Tense Laudem Laudēs Laudet Laudēmus Laudētis Laudent Laudo [1] Moneo, -ēre Ago, -ere Audio, -ire Moneam Moneās Moneat Moneāmus Moneātis Moneant Agam Agās Agat Agāmus Agātis Agant Audiam Audiās Audiat Audiāmus Audiātis Audiant

Subjunctives- Present Passive Lauder Laudēris Laudetur Laudēmur Laudēminī Laudentur Monear Moneāris Moneatur Moneāmur Moneāminī Moneantur Agar Agāris Agatur Agāmur Agāminī Agantur Audiar Audiāris Audiatur Audiāmur Audiāminī Audiantur To form the Present Passive Subjunctive use the stem with the modified subjunctive vowel and add passive endings!

1.3 rd sing., pres., passive, subjunctive of maneō, manēre maneatur 2.2 nd plural pres., active, subjunctive of līberō, līberāre līberetis 3.1 st plural pres., passive, subjunctive of ducō, ducere ducamur 4.1 st singular pres., active subjunctive of fugiō, fugere fugiam 5.3 rd plural pres., passive, subjunctive of audiō, audīre audiantur

Imperfect Subjunctive Steps to create the imperfect active subjunctive: 1.Find the present active infinitive (the 2nd principle part). amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus 2.Add the personal ending directly to the infinitive. -t amāre + -t = amāret (he/she/it was loving)

Steps to create the imperfect passive subjunctive: 1.Find the present active infinitive (the 2nd principle part). amō, amāre, amāvī, amātus 2.Add the personal ending directly to the infinitive. -tur amāre + -tur = amāretur (he/she/it was being loved)

1.3 rd sing., imperf., passive, subj. of maneō, manēre manēretur 2.2 nd plural, imperf., active, subj. of līberō, līberāre līberā līberāretis 3.1 st plural, imperf., passive, subj. of ducō, ducere duceremur 4.1 st sing., imperf., active, subj. of fugiō, fugere fugerem 5.3 rd plural, imperf., passive, subj. of audiō, audīre audīrentur

And the Subjunctive of sum, esse PRESENT Sim Sīs Sit Sīmus Sītis Sint IMPERFECT Essem Essēs Esset Essēmus Essētis Essent The present subjunctive of sum, like all present subjunctives, changes its stem vowel, so the stem becomes: si- The imperfect subj. of sum forms as expected

Applying that to possum, posse… PRESENT possim possīs possit possīmus possītis possint IMPERFECT possem possēs posset possēmus possētis possent

Subjunctive Review Present Subjunctive ia “we fear a liar” Perfect Subjunctive ???? Pluperfect Subjunctive ???? Imperfect Subjunctive 2nd pp + pers. endings