Klinisk strålebiologi - normalvev
Tidlig reaksjon
teleangiectasi Sen reaksjon
Basis for dose-respons-kurver
Stigetallet for dose-responskurven
Gaussian distribution of radiation sensitivity Dose response curve Uniquely described by two parameters: - gradient at 50% response level D 50% - dose to achieve 50% response Gaussian distribution of technical and dosimetrical factors biolo > clin Pettersen M et al Radiotherapy and Oncology 2008 Clinical dose response curve
Uniquely described by two parameters: - gradient at 50% response level D 50% - dose to achieve 50% response is linked to the standard deviation, , of the Gaussian distribution by: Pettersen M et al Radiotherapy and Oncology 2008 and
Steepness of clinical dose-response curve is depending of the dose variation Pettersen M et al Radiotherapy and Oncology 2008 Roué et al 2004 ESTRO-Equal external audit 102 centres, 235 beams in France 3% beams had deviations > 5% 24 centres had deviations > 5%
Design of a randomised clinical study The null hypothesis is that the two treatment options produce no different outcome To prove a difference, the null hypothesis has to be rejected The number of patients needed is linked to , the difference in response ( R), the level of significance ( ) and the power ( ) = 0.2 = 0.05 Pettersen M et al Radiotherapy and Oncology 2008
The number of patients required Conclusions: To keep the number of patients required for RCT as low as possible, the standard deviation of the dosimetry should be kept below 5%.
Volumeffet for rektumblødning
Strandqvist plot
-kill -kill LQ-formelverket