COLLABORATE TO GRADUATE PreK – 12 Dropout Prevention Plan 1.PreK and K home visits for every student 2.Attendance focus 3.Data-Driven decisions and monitoring 4.Community Partnerships Communities in Schools Affordable, easy access to healthcare and mental health services 5.Innovation Zone – after school programs 6.Truancy diversion 7.1:1 technology initiative 8.Career and technical education focus 9.Option Pathway
TIMELINEELEMENTARYSECONDARY After 3 unexcused absences First Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed to parent from Attendance Director After 5 unexcused absences Second Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed to parent from Principal – requires a conference at school Within 5 days of receipt of notice Conference at school with principal or designee After 10 unexcused absences Certified Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed to parent from Attendance Director– requires a SAT meeting at school Attendance Director or designee will attend Certified Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed to parent from Attendance Director– requires a diversion meeting at school Attendance Director, School- Based JPO, Counselor, Administrator will attend Follow up NoticeSAT meeting notice sent from school Diversion meeting notice mailed from court house Follow up Meeting Agenda Attendance Agreement signed for remainder of grading period and following grading period Diversion Agreement signed for remainder of grading period and following grading period Non-compliance under Agreement Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting at DHHR Educational Neglect Multi-Disciplinary Team Meeting at DHHR Juvenile Petition TRUANCY STEPS
DIVERSION MEETING AGENDA 1. Introductions and Purpose of Meeting 2. Attendance Policy Notices 3. Types of Absences Excused Unexcused Suspensions 4. Current Student Records Profile Attendance Grades Discipline / Driver’s License 5. Next Actions Truancy Agreement Legal Issues
TRUANCY DIVERSION AGREEMENT – ELEMENTARY Student: ________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Parent / Guardian: _______________________________ Grade: _________________________________ AS THE STUDENT, I WILL: Attend school each day that school is in session except for major illness, injury, or other excused absence approved by the school. Be responsible for turning in all attendance excuses to the specified school personal in a timely manner. Get to school on time each day and attend all assigned classes. Actively participate in all classes and complete schoolwork, homework, and make-up work. Obey the school’s rules and cooperate with all my teachers and school officials. Obey the rules set forth by my parents / guardians. Student’s Initials: __________ AS THE PARENT(S) / GUARDIAN(S), I WILL: Ensure that my child attends school as required by West Virginia state law for compulsory school attendance. Assist my child in getting to school on time each day that school is in session except for major illness, injury, or other excused absence approved by the school. Assume responsibility for obtaining a written doctor’s excuse for any absence resulting from a medical appointment or illness. Ensure that all excuses are provided to my child and direct my child to turn the excuses in to school officials. Parent’s / Guardian’s Initials: ___________ As the parent / guardian of the above named student, I acknowledge that I been notified by the Greenbrier County Board of Education of my child’s absences and/or tardies. I have met with the representative of Greenbrier County Schools and have been given an opportunity to address issues underlying by child’s absences. I understand that I have the opportunity to correct errors to my child’s attendance record by providing appropriate documentation. I agree to submit any such documentation to my child’s school by _________________________________________. I understand that in the event I fail to comply with this agreement or my child’s attendance does not improve, then a meeting will be held at Department of Health and Human Resources. Student’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________ School Official: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Truancy Diversion Agreement Effective Dates: ___________________________________________________________ psb 8.15
TRUANCY DIVERSION AGREEMENT – SECONDARY Student: ________________________________________ Date: __________________________________ Parent / Guardian: _______________________________ Grade: _________________________________ AS THE STUDENT, I WILL: Attend school each day that school is in session except for major illness, injury, or other excused absence approved by the school. Be responsible for turning in all attendance excuses to the specified school personal in a timely manner. Get to school on time each day and attend all assigned classes. Actively participate in all classes and complete schoolwork, homework, and make-up work. Obey the school’s rules and cooperate with all my teachers and school officials. Obey the rules set forth by my parents / guardians. Student’s Initials: __________ AS THE PARENT(S) / GUARDIAN(S), I WILL: Ensure that my child attends school as required by West Virginia state law for compulsory school attendance. Assist my child in getting to school on time each day that school is in session except for major illness, injury, or other excused absence approved by the school. Assume responsibility for obtaining a written doctor’s excuse for any absence resulting from a medical appointment or illness. Ensure that all excuses are provided to my child and direct my child to turn the excuses in to school officials. Parent’s / Guardian’s Initials: ___________ As the parent / guardian of the above named student, I acknowledge that I been notified by the Greenbrier County Board of Education of my child’s absences and/or tardies. I have met with the representative of Greenbrier County Schools and the School-Based Juvenile Probation Officer, and have been given an opportunity to address issues underlying by child’s absences. I understand that I have the opportunity to correct errors to my child’s attendance record by providing appropriate documentation. I agree to submit any such documentation to my child’s school by _________________________________________. I understand that in the event I fail to comply with this agreement or my child’s attendance does not improve, then a meeting will be held at Department of Health and Human Resources and a juvenile petition alleging truancy will be filed with the Greenbrier County Circuit Court. Student’s Signature: _________________________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Signature: __________________________________________________________________________________ School Official: _____________________________________________________________________________________ School-Based Probation Officer: _______________________________________________________________________ Truancy Diversion Agreement Effective Dates: ___________________________________________________________ psb 8.15
ATTENDANCE INFORMATION – PETITION REQUEST GREENBRIER COUNTY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL SERVICES – PATTI BURDETTE, DIRECTOR Student: Date: Date of Birth: Age: School / Grade: Option Pathway: Parent / Guardian: Overview and Concerns: At time of petition request Current Attendance: Number of Absences: 26 days Unexcused Absences: 19 days 19 unexcused full; Excused Absences: 6 days 5 parent note full; 1 doctor note full Tardies / Early Dismissals: 6 occurrences 3 Early dismissals; 3 tardies Notifications and Correspondence: August 31, 2015 First Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed from Attendance Director September 28, 2015 Second Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed from XXXX School October 13, 2015 Certified Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed to XXXXXX October 13, 2015 Diversion Meeting Notice mailed from Probation Officer to XXXXXXX October 16, 2015 Certified Notice Received byXXXXXXX October 20, 2015 Diversion Meeting held at XXXXXX School – student and parent attended Truancy Diversion Agreement signed March 1, 2016 Request for Juvenile Petition filed with Circuit Court Discipline Referrals Current Year: None Special Education: Yes XXXXXXXXXX receives special education direct services for math. He has a learning disability in math. Grades Repeated: Kindergarten Enrollment History – Greenbrier County Schools: August 2015 – to current Grade Nine XXXXXX High School August 2012 – June 2015 Grade Six – Grade Eight XXXXXX Middle School August 2005 – June 2012 Grade Kindergarten – Grade Five XXXXXX Elementary School Documentation Attached: Family Information / Profile Current Schedule Attendance Grades Transcript Discipline Detail Service Notice for Unexcused Absences and Attendance Information at Time of Service Meeting Notices / Agendas / Agreement
STATUS REVIEW DOCUMENT – PART 1 ATTENDANCE INFORMATION – STATUS UPDATE GREENBRIER COUNTY SCHOOLS OFFICE OF ATTENDANCE AND SOCIAL SERVICES – PATTI BURDETTE, DIRECTOR Student: Date: Date of Birth: Age: School / Grade: Option Pathway: Parent / Guardian: Overview and Concerns: At time of petition request Number of Absences: days Unexcused Absences: days unexcused full; Excused Absences: days parent note full; doctor note full Tardies / Early Dismissals: occurrences early dismissals; tardies Current Attendance: 2015 – 2016 School Year Number of Absences: days Unexcused Absences: days unexcused full; suspensions Excused Absences: days parent note full; doctor note full Tardies / Early Dismissals: occurrences early dismissals; tardies
STATUS REVIEW DOCUMENT – PART 2 Notifications and Correspondence: August 31, 2015 First Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed from Attendance Director September 28, 2015 Second Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed from XXXXXX High School October 13, 2015 Certified Notice of Unexcused Absences mailed to XXXXXXX (parent) October 13, 2015 Diversion Meeting Notice mailed from Probation Officer to XXXXXX (parent) October 16, 2015 Certified Notice Received byXXXXXX October 20, 2015 Diversion Meeting held at Greenbrier East High School – student and parent attended Truancy Diversion Agreement signed March 1, 2016 Request for Juvenile Petition filed with Circuit Court March 10, 2016 Received court Order for Case Number Juvenile: 16 – JS – 22 (B) March 22, 2016 Initial Court Appearance Discipline Referrals Current Year: None Special Education: Yes XXXXXXX receives special education direct services for math. He has a learning disability in math. Grades Repeated: Kindergarten Enrollment History – Greenbrier County Schools: August 2015 – to current Grade Nine XXXXX High School August 2012 – June 2015 Grade Six – Grade Eight XXXXX Middle School August 2005 – June 2012 Grade Kindergarten – Grade Five XXXXX Elementary School Documentation Attached: Family Information / Profile Current Schedule Attendance Grades Transcript Discipline Detail