Derry Township School District Music Department Curriculum Review Final Report
What Are the Benefits of Music Education?
There is a very high correlation between positive self-perception, high cognitive competence scores, healthy self-esteem, total interest and school involvement and the study of music. -“Achievement Motivation as a Factor in Self Perception”, Lillemyr. There is a very high correlation between positive self-perception, high cognitive competence scores, healthy self-esteem, total interest and school involvement and the study of music. -“Achievement Motivation as a Factor in Self Perception”, Lillemyr. Enriches lives and education of students
Many of the nation’s top business executives point to the skills the arts teach as the tools that will prepare workers for the careers of the 21st century. - “The Changing Workplace is Changing Our View of Education” Enriches lives and education of students
Improves Thinking Studying music strengthens students’ academic performance. - “Learning Improved by Arts Training,” Nature, May 23, Surveys show that a majority of parents think that the arts are as important as reading, writing, math, science, history or geography. - Americans and the Arts VI, by Louis Harris, 1992.
Improves Thinking Students who study music and the arts score higher on the verbal and math portions of the SAT than students with no coursework or experience in the arts. -Profiles of SAT and Achievement Test Takers, The College Board, 1998.
2005 SAT Scores of Students in the Arts
College Admissions The publication Academic Preparation for College states that “preparation in the arts will be valuable to college entrants whatever their intended field of study.” - The College Board, New York, College admissions officers give special consideration to students who have taken arts courses in high school. - “Can Colleges Help School Fine Arts Programs?” Duffy, CT Music Educators Association News.
College Admissions The college board identifies the arts as one of the six basic academic subject areas students should study in order to succeed in college. -Academic Preparation for College: What Students Need to Know and Be Able to Do, 1983, The College Board, New York.
School’s Reputation A study in 1988 showed that music participants received more academic honors and awards than non-music students. -National Center for Education Statistics, Washington, DC.
School’s Reputation The arts are recognized as a core subject in the “Goals 2000: Educate America Act,” approved by both houses of Congress in National Education Goals Panel, Washington, DC. Research shows that when the arts are included in the student’s curriculum, reading, writing and math scores improve. - “The Arts: An Essential Ingredient in Education,” Position Paper of the California Council of the Fine Arts Deans, Milley, Oderlund, and Mortarotti.
Useful Skill Two research projects have found that music training can dramatically enhance children’s spatial-temporal reasoning skills. -Neurological Research, February 1997, and Neurological Research, March 1999.
A 1997 Gallup Survey on Americans’ attitudes toward music revealed that 89% of respondents believe music helps a child’s overall development and 93% agree that music is part of a well-rounded education. - Americans’ Attitudes Towards Music, The Gallup Organization, Useful Skill
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Primary School General Music (Required) No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Music 11/cycle3040 min. Music 21/cycle3040 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Intermediate School General Music (Required) No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Music 31/cycle3040 min. Music 41/cycle3040 min. Music 51/cycle3040 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Middle School General Music (Required) No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Music 6daily/quarter4540 min. Music 7daily/quarter4540 min. Music 8every other/sem 4540 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS High School General Music (Electives) No. of Times Total No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class Meets Meets Meets Music Theory 5/week min. AP Music Theory 5/week min. Piano daily/sem min. Guitar daily/sem min. Electronic Music daily/sem min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Intermediate School Instrumental Music No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Band 41/cycle3040 min. Instr. Band Less. 4 1/cycle3020/30 min. Band 52/cycle6040 min. Instr. Band Less. 5 1/cycle3020/30 min. Str. Ens. 41/cycle3040 min. Instr. Str. Less 41/cycle3020/30 min. Str. Ens. 51/cycle3040 min. Instr. Str. Less. 51/cycle3020/30 min. Jazz Band 51/cycle1530 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Middle School Instrumental Music No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Band 6every other 9040 min. day Instr. Band Less. 61/cycle3020 min. Band 7every other 9040 min. day Instr. Band Less. 71/cycle3020 min. Band 8every other 9040 min. day Instr. Band Less. 81/cycle3020 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Middle School Instrumental Music No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Jazz Band 6 1/week, after school45 min. Jazz Band 7/81/week, before school45 min. Orchestra 6every other 9040 min. day Instr. Str. Less. 61/cycle3020 min. Orchestra 7every other 9040 min. day Instr. Str. Less. 71/cycle3020 min. Orchestra 8every other 9040 min. day Instr. Str. Less. 81/cycle3020 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS High School Instrumental Music No. of Times Total No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class Meets Meets Meets Concert Band 5/week min. Marching Band 5/week min. Jazz Band I 2/week after school 90 min. Jazz Band II 1/week after school 120 min. Orchestra 5/week min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Intermediate School Vocal Music No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Chorus 51/cycle3030 min.
MUSICAL OFFERINGS Middle School Vocal Music No. of TimesTotal No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class MeetsMeets Meets Chorus 6every other 9040 min. day Chorus 7every other 9040 min. day Chorus 8every other 9040 min. day
MUSICAL OFFERINGS High School Vocal Music No. of Times Total No. of Total Amount of Each Class Times Class Time Each Class Meets Meets Meets Concert Choir 5/week min. Women’s Choir 5/week min. Choraliers 1/week after school 120 min.
Music Education Department Mrs. Michele KinzerGeneral Music – Early Childhood, Primary Mr. Joseph FarrellChoral Music – Middle and High Mr. John GabrieleGeneral Music & Instrumental Music – Middle Mr. Jim Janderchick General Music & Instrumental Music – Intermediate Mr. Richard MillerInstrumental Music – High School Mrs. Tani MillerOrchestral Music & General Music – Intermediate Mrs. Allison OmetzGeneral Music & Instrumental Music – Intermediate Mr. Christopher StineGeneral Music & Instrumental Music – Middle Mr. Greg WoodbridgeOrchestral Music – Intermediate, Middle and High
Number of Elementary General Music Classes In A School Year Milton Hershey North Allegheny Derry Township York Suburban Susquehanna Twp. Cumberland Valley East Pennsboro Gettysburg Camp Hill
Music Teachers Per 1,000 Students
Growth in Student Enrollment Derry Township
Growth in Student Participation in Derry Township Band, Vocal and General Music Programs
Growth in Student Participation in Derry Township Orchestra Programs
PUBLIC EXPOSURE (Based on one Academic Year) Number of Public Appearances100 Community Service30 School70
44% of Grades are Involved in Music Ensembles (8/25/08) * Students may be involved in more than one ensemble. Includes Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Jazz Band, and Marching Band.
Music Program Recommendations from the Curriculum Review Process
Align the music curriculum with the National Standards for Arts Education in Music, the Pennsylvania Arts & Humanities Standards, Pennsylvania Chapter 4 Regulations and the Music Educators National Conference (MENC) quality program standards. The Music Department also recommends the adoption of the Strands of Music Education Program. Philosophy
Curriculum Content Offer developmentally appropriate General Music, Instrumental and Vocal Music programs –General Music as a requirement for all students Kindergarten through grade 8 –Instrumental programs, including instrumental lessons, 4th grade through 12th grade –Vocal groups throughout the District
Curriculum Content A system must be put in place to guarantee communication from one building, classroom and grade level to another within the district regarding curriculum and instruction.
Curriculum Content Expand the General Music electives at the High School: –Electronic Music I Class. –Guitar/Electric Keyboard Class
Curriculum Content Explore the integration of Fine and Performing Arts courses. Explore the integration of music with other curricular areas, but caution that integration is no substitute for sequential music instruction.
Organizational Structure Explore and develop a same cycle day schedule throughout the school district.
Instructional Delivery Ongoing review of –staff assignments and staffing structure –staffing needs to meet program demands
Technology Establish that all staff and students have access to new and emerging music technology for curricular offerings.
Resources Adequate Music Department facilities are considered in all future expansion of school buildings. Recognize the scope of music offerings which requires the full time availability of music facilities.
MUSIC DEPARTMENT Teacher to Student Ratio 1 Music Instructor to 411 Students (8/25/08)
National Content Standards 1. Singing, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. 3. Improvising melodies, variations, and accompaniments. 4. Composing and arranging music within specified guidelines. 5. Reading and notating music. 6. Listening to, analyzing, and describing music. 7. Evaluating music and music performance. 8. Understanding relationships between music, the other arts, and disciplines outside the arts. 9. Understanding music in relation to history and culture.
Pennsylvania Arts and Humanities Standards 9.1. Production, Performance and Exhibition of Dance, Music, Theatre and Visual Arts 9.2. Historical and Cultural Contexts 9.3. Critical Response 9.4. Aesthetic Response