Understanding the Relationship between Administrator Evaluation and Data Teams “1-2-3 goal setting” Phase I: Whole School Learning Indicator (analyze data) Phase II: Identify the Problem of Practice (areas of focus) Phase III: Develop Criteria for Exemplary Practice Phase IV: Define Measures of Improvement Phase V: Formulate a Plan to Improve Practice and Student Outcomes Administrator EvaluationSchool Data Team Source: New Leaders for New Schools 3/15/20131
Focus of Administrator SLOs: SPI – School Performance Index - CT Performance Targets (mandatory) School, subject and subgroup performance indexes 4-year cohort graduation rate = 94% Extended graduation rate = 96% Other locally determined indicators } Mandatory for High School Administrators 3/15/20132
Understanding the Relationship between Teacher Evaluation and Data Teams Phase I: Student Learning Objective (analyze data) Phase II: Identify the Problem of Practice (areas of focus) Phase III: Develop Criteria for Exemplary Practice Phase IV: Define Measures of Improvement Phase V: Formulate a Plan to Improve Practice and Student Outcomes Teacher EvaluationInstructional Data Team *IAGD=Indicator of Academic Growth and Achievement SLO Phase I: Learn about this year’s students SLO Phase 2: Set goals for student learning with IAGDs* SLO Phase 3: Monitor students’ progress SLO Phase 4: Assess student outcomes relative to goals 3/15/20133