Confusing Words By: Megan, Laura, Amber
22.Peace A state of harmony characterized by a lack of violence. Nudge can’t give anyone peace and quiet. Peace is what the Flock works for. A single part of something Nudge loves to give people a piece of her mind. Nudge loves her pieces of fudge. Piece
23. Plain & Plane Plain- (adjective) Clear not fancy; (noun), a flat area of land. Fang has a very plain wardrobe. Fang’s feelings for Max are plain and clear. Plane- (noun) a flat surface; a level; a tool: and airplane Max can fly faster than a plane. The flock would rather fly with their wings than fly in a plane
Head of a school, main, most important Pruitt is the principal of the school that Max attended. Max never trusted any of the principals of the schools they attended. Rule of conduct, a law A principle of the flock is to always stay together. It’s another principle of the Flock not to let Max cook. 24.Principal Principle
25. Quiet and Quite A relative or total lack of silence Total isn’t a quiet talking dog. The flock found Total in the quiet Institute. Actually, really, or truly. Total is quite odd for a dog. It was quite surprising when Total grew wings.
26. Shone & Shown Shone- Emitted light Angel’s hair shone like starlight. The light shone brightly off of Angel’s white wings Shown- Revealed, displayed Every thought you think is shown to Angel because she can read minds. The future is sometimes shown to Angel.