DEFINITIONS OF NURSING Nursing is a profession focused on advocacy in the care of individuals, families, and communities in attaining, maintaining, and recovering optimal health and functioning. Modern definitions of nursing describe it as a science and an art that focuses on promoting quality of life as defined by populations, communities, families, and individuals, throughout their life experiences from birth through the end of life.
Nightingale's Notes on Nursing “I use the word nursing for want of a better. It has been limited to signify little more than the administration of medicine and the application of poultices. It ought to signify cleanliness, quiet, and the proper selection and a ministration of diet- all at the least expense of vital power to the client.”
DEFINITIONS OF NURSING What is your definition of nursing?
What is Nursing? Nursing is something external that is done to the client to restore health. Nursing is an interpersonal, interactional or partnering process between the nurse and client with the objective of promoting wellness, preventing illness and giving the client the tools to be able to function at an optimal level of wellness.
Definitions of Nursing Florence Nightingale Act of using the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery
Definitions of Nursing Henderson Assisting the individual sick or well in the performance of those activities contributing to health, its recovery or peaceful death that he would perform unaided if he had the necessary strength, will, or knowledge and to do this in such a way as to help him gain independence as rapidly as possible.
Definitions of Nursing Johnson External force to restore, maintain or attain health King A process of human interaction between nurse and client to attain, maintain, and restore health through mutual goal setting ANA The diagnosis and treatment of human response to actual or potential health problems
NURSING Nursing identity is a developmental process that evolves throughout professional nurses’ careers.
NURSING PROCESS Nursing Diagnosis Assessment Standards of Professional Practice ANA code of Ethics Evidence-Based Planning Evaluation Intervention
Characteristics of a Profession Specialized education standardized in a collegial setting Body of knowledge on which performance is based intellectual characteristics nursing theory development Ability to deliver a unique service to others Ethics value of worth and dignity of others Social policy statement and Code for Nurses
Characteristics of a Profession Professional behaviors Autonomy use of theory & research in practice Control over practice standards Independent function of its members Members are accountable and responsible or their own practice Standards of Practice Professional behaviors career commitment of its members upholding the service orientation in the eyes of the public
Nursing as a Profession: Status Today Theory Social Values Education Motivation Autonomy Commitment Community Code of Ethics
Types of Nursing Education Programs Registered nurse Diploma Associate degree (ADN) Baccalaureate degree (BSN) Master’s programs (MSN) Doctoral programs (DNS)
Types of Nursing Education Programs Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) or Licensed Vocational Nurse (LVN) Ladder programs equal career mobility LPN to RN ADN to BSN
Mathematics & Statistics Physical Sciences A & P Biology Microbiology Chemistry Pathophysiology Food & Nutrition Humanities Ethics Literature History Philosophy Pharmacology NURSING Abnormal Psychology Psychology Sociology Growth & Development Social Sciences Research Mathematics & Statistics Writing & Composition
LPN/LVN versus RN Roles The knowledge, skills, and abilities of those in the nursing profession progress along a continuum with increasing complexity at each practice level. The education curricula for (each level) prepares the healthcare provider to perform within a scope of practice prescribed by law and in the roles defined by the professional organizations.
Nursing Education Preparation for the future Articulation of educational models easier transfer from one professional level to another facilitates multiple career changes during a lifetime Inclusion of more primary care processes & skills in curriculum structure & systems information economic framework as part of delivery systems interdisciplinary collaboration Specialization versus generalization Level of educational preparation for entry into practice
Nursing Practice Recipients of care patient client Practice settings Primary care Secondary care Tertiary care
Entry into Practice Nurse Practice Acts Purpose is to protect the public Formalized contract between society & the profession ensures minimum standards for entry into practice helps the profession maintain standards in practice
Nurse Practice Act Level of Practice Dependent - implementing a professionals orders Interdependent - actions resulting from the collaborative relationship with other health care providers Independent - autonomous nursing actions - interventions found in the nursing care plan
Entry into Practice Standards of Practice values and priorities of the profession provide direction for professional practice framework for evaluation of nursing practice defines the professions accountability to the public
Standards of Care The nurse Collects client health data Analyzes the assessment data in determining diagnoses Identifies expected outcomes individualized to the client Develops plan of care with interventions to attain expected outcomes Implements identified interventions Evaluates client progress toward outcomes
Standards of Professional Performance The nurse Evaluates quality & effectiveness of nursing practice Evaluates own practice in relation to standards & relevant regulations Maintains current knowledge in nursing Contributes to professional development of peers & colleagues Decisions & actions on behalf of client are ethical
Standards of Professional Performance Collaborates with client , significant others and health care providers in providing care. Use research findings in practice. Considers factors related to safety, effectiveness and cost in delivery of care. Source - ANA Standards of Clinical Nursing Practice (1991).
Role of the AD Nurse Provider of care Manager of care Member within the discipline of nursing
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Eat and drink adequately.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Eat and drink adequately.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Move and maintain desirable postures.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Select suitable clothes – dress and undress.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Maintain body temperature within normal range by adjusting clothing and modifying the environment.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Keep the body clean and well groomed and protect the integument.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Avoid dangers in the environment and avoid injuring others.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Communicate with others in expressing emotions, needs, fears, or opinions.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Worship according to one’s faith.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Work in such a way that there is a sense of accomplishment.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Play or participate in various forms of recreation.
COMPONENTS OF BASIC NURSING CARE Learn, discover, or satisfy the curiosity that leads to normal development and health and use the available health facilities.
Provider of Care Role of the AD Nurse Critical thinking clinical competence accountability commitment to caring. More extensive data collection through use of more resources & collaboration. Analyze/interpret data, plan client goals, adjust and evaluate care.
LP/LV Nurse Provider of Care Client care in structured health care settings with common well-defined health problems. Basic needs assessment contributes, helps to plan, collaborates and uses established nursing.
Manager of Care Role exclusive to RN. Collaboration, organization, prioritization, delegation, advocacy and respect for other health care providers. Managing care and resources for a group of clients efficiently.
Member within the Discipline AD Nurse Commitment to : professional growth continuous learning self-development. Ensures high standard of nursing. Uses research to improve client care. Committee member and membership in professional organization.
Member within the Discipline LP Nurse / LV Nurse Identifies personal strengths and weakness. Uses educational opportunities. Under direction of the RN may participate in research. Adheres to nursling's Code of Ethic.