Comments on Services Elba Comments on Services & … Bill Wisniewski SLAC
Comments on Services Elba Flux Return Slots for Services As in top sextant Both ends symmetric are the same; addition of DIRC breaks the symmetry
Comments on Services Elba Backward Quadrant A view of the exposed cableways on the backward side of the detector. –Slots contain services for EMC, IFR. –Services for inner detectors that are taken out in the backward direction must exit the end of the DIRC support tube. View of the side also shows how services are distributed ‘around’ the detector. –Circumferential Cableways runs parrellel and close to the steel sextants behind the remnants of tubing for EMC cooling, etc Slots for Services Circumferential cableways Temporary track plates for rolling detector Pulling cables
Comments on Services Elba Backward Quadrant Detector has been moved onto and off the beam line using temporarily installed steel track plates bolted to the floor and grouted. Is this a reasonable solution? Doors opened and closed on pairs of track plates, one with a groove for a cam follower. Standoff Box (SOB) not in SuperB; new design for DIRC PMT magnetic shielding will add to complications for exiting cables, and locating electronics. Horse Collar Standoff Box Door track plates
Comments on Services Elba Inside SOB and DIRC Strong Support Tube Drift Chamber in place with small gap to end of fixed portion of the backward plug. DCH cables occupied two holes through the stationary wedge. Another was for gas services for DCH. –We are likely to have twice as many cables. The fixed part of the plug will need more holes. SVT cables exited along the beam line and through the raft. Layer 0 cables need accomodation. SOB and a portion of its internal shield are visible in the foreground. End of raft was supported off this stationary wedge.
Comments on Services Elba DIRC Tunnel with Magnet Raft A bit more crowded. Without the SOB,and magnets further away, it may beless complicated for SuperB
Comments on Services Elba Ideal BaBar
Comments on Services Elba Ideal BaBar Need to modify forward plug to accommodate beam pipes.
Comments on Services Elba Forward Integration The forward end of the detector was a complicated place in BaBar, especially as one got closer to the beam pipe: –SVT cooling, SVT cables, position monitoring –DCH cooling, bulkhead gas, –EMC cables, electronics, source calibration system, endcap cooling system, nitrogen, backgrounds monitors –PEP support tube services, cooling water tubes for final raft magnets –Limited area to take out services in ‘chimneys’ out of the steel. Limited gap between EMC endcap and forward end doors
Comments on Services Elba Forward Map for Services: BaBar Forward EMC: –Lower diagonal slots both sides for all services so that endcap could be withdrawn for access to the DCH end plates and services Included source calibration lines, cooling lines for each half of the endcap, signal fibers, low voltage cables (big for power hungry crates, 10 per half), timing cables, monitoring cables Barrel EMC, forward end: –All 4 diagonal slots Signal fibers, low voltage cables, timing cables, monitoring cables –10 crates per slot DCH, front end: –Diagonal top left. Several gas lines. SVT, front end: –Both upper diagonal slots. Cables for signals, monitoring, for the front end IFR: –All services out all slots –Cylindrical RPCs: top and bottom slot only
Comments on Services Elba BaBar with Services
Comments on Services Elba Buried Services…
Comments on Services Elba SuperB EMC will have similar cables and fibers. There may be some reduction in size for the barrel if new electronics is less power hungry. There is a need to take trigger cables out the top of the detector, perhaps other slots (new load). Endcap EMC: will likely have more crystals. Needs will scale with increased channel count….~x4. All these will need to have service loops to withdraw the endcap for DCH access. Because of service loops, probably should run to lower diagonals again. DCH: would like to take HV cables out the front end (note this will simplify the back end problem). This may not be a large plant. Likely to need the other services, but they are not a large load in the slots. IFR: will be a smaller load. Fewer instrumented layers. No need for gas. SVT: Layer 0 will add cables. –Is there enough slack in the cables to leave them attached and withdraw the SVT to the repair position?
Comments on Services Elba BaBar Hall Dimensions Dimensions of the IR2 Hall –IR2 Accelerator Housing area 46’ 2” in X (ie, transverse to beam line) 14.1m 65’ 8” in Z (ie, longitudinally) 20.0m 3.5m vertical from floor to beamline 34’ 10” from floor to bottom of crane hook 10.6m 45’ 8” from floor to ceiling (Y) 13.9m –Assembly Area ( with surface access via roll up door) 72’ 3” in X 22.0m same dimensions Z, Y as housing area –Crane: 50T/10T two hooks, one trolley
Comments on Services Elba Hall Dimensions Restrictions BaBar upgrades and disassembly were complicated by the lack of space in the Accelerator Housing part of Building 620 (IR2). –During the IFR Barrel intervention of 2004, the primary interference was in the bottom quadrant, due to the location of the concrete column and island steel column supporting the forward accelerator raft. Location of, and solidity of, the nearest beamline element support is a possible issue. Crane coverage issues call for a longer hall. –During the IRF Barrel interventions of 2002 (doors) and 2006 (barrel), the interference was due to the narrowness of the hall. In 2002, the issue was crane reach. In 2006, the doors had to be rolled off the screw mechanism and pulled as far to the west, east walls as possible. The intervention was more than a month longer because of the hall size.
Comments on Services Elba Krebs’ Suggestions for Hall Dimensions Preferred dimensions of the SuperB Hall (2007) –IR2 Accelerator Housing area 16.2m in X (crane coverage over full range) 20.0m in Z (crane coverage over full range) 11.0m from floor to the bottom of the crane hook 3.7m from floor to beamline (space to squeeze under the detector, and especially, under the doors). ~15.0m in Y –2009 revision: 18.0m in X