The Future Viability of Charitable Organisations in the 21 st Century: Social Enterprise and Other Business Models Professor David Gilchrist School of Business, Fremantle University of Notre Dame Australia 21 April 2010
Our agenda 1.Some Definitions 2.Some Reasoning 3.Some Business models…
An aside… …Is Viability the key issue?
Some Definitions: Viability: Financial Corporation Centric Sustainability: Ongoing Capacity to Deliver Objectives Capacity for change Corporation Centric
Some Definitions: Social Enterprise Mission driven organisations that apply market-based strategies to achieve social purpose May be profit generation for social investment or utilisation of market functions to achieve objective
Some Definitions: Social Enterprise High Risk Cultural Homogeneity Crucial Require A Social Entrepreneur
Some Definitions: Social Entrepreneur: Individual Pursue pattern breaking change A high level of autonomy required Often a risk taker
Some Reasoning: Individuality Cultural Dependency Risk Taking Mission Governance Sustainability
Another Model? Build on capacity Build on Commonalities Focus on Mission Outcomes Veer Toward Co-operation …Strength in knowing our organisation
Strength in Knowing Why: Financial viability Ongoing sustainability Work within the paradigm Leverage the strengths of professional staff and service providers
Strength in Knowing Financial viability: Understand the financial drivers of your organisation Drive for management accounting competence at all levels of the organisation Building budgeting strength
Strength in Knowing Ongoing sustainability Funder management – rates, outputs Stakeholder management - expectations Mission Centricity
Strength in Knowing Work within the paradigm Peak body engagement Governance framework inclusive of strategic planning and development Work within the skills and capacity of the organisation
Strength in Knowing Leverage the strengths of professional staff and service providers: Accountants Auditors Consultants Colleagues Peak Bodies
Concluding Remarks Don’t look for models but rather to use tools Spend time articulating the mission for clarity of goals Fully utilise the resources at hand Know your strengths and weaknesses Seek flexibility through capacity Work within the capacity of the organisation
Concluding Remarks …There are new horizons in coming to understand your organisation better and looking to use the tools rather than the models…