SSS and MoS Focal points meeting Marc Vanderhaegen European Commission DG Mobility and Transport ESPO Workshop 12/03/2010 Madrid.


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Presentation transcript:

SSS and MoS Focal points meeting Marc Vanderhaegen European Commission DG Mobility and Transport ESPO Workshop 12/03/2010 Madrid

2 What to expect from this presentation?. MoS: What has been achieved until now? » Facts » Conclusions. Opportunity for the future » What has been achieved?. Dialogue

3. Results: » Member States and Regional support » Studies (EU) » Concrete Motorways of the Sea actions (EU) » MoS One Stop Help Desk. The Stakeholder's perception Motorways of the Sea: what has been achieved until now?

4. MoS Task Forces set up by Member States: » covering all sea regions » meeting regularly » organising events » launching studies and supporting MoS implementation. Member State joint calls for proposals » Baltic Sea (3), North Sea (3), Atlantic (2), West-Med (1), East-Med (2). State aid » Guidelines for maritime transport (2004) » Complementary guidelines for MoS (2008) » ECOBONUS Member State and Regional support

5 MoS studies - EU. PORTMOS » Criteria for Motorways of the Sea » Architecture for an infostructure » Two pilot projects. EAST-MED MoS Master Plan » The proposed corridors would allow to shift significant percentage of the total travelled ton kilometres by road (4.362 million tonne-kilometres yearly) on the the Eastern Mediterranean Region, and also contribute to reduce delays (up to 20%).. WEST MoS » Market study: SSS in the WestMed region is shown to be more effective than road when distances are above 1000km for cost, and above 1500 km for time. » 8 case studies. BASIES » Successful implementation of VTS system in between Sweden and Denmark. Study to broaden implementation in the Baltic Sea has not been completed.. BALTIC MARITIME OUTLOOK » The study (before the crisis) concludes that Short sea shipping in the Baltic Sea Region is expected to benefit more from the development of trade than Europe in general. WEST-MED CORRIDORS » Ongoing: aims to develop a master plan for the definition and implementation of the Motorways of the Sea in the West-Mediterranean region.

6. MEDA Mos: Euro-Mediterranean Transport Project of the Motorways of the Sea » 4 selected MoS pilot projects » Technical assistance to 10 potential MoS projects » Significant progress has been made. TRACECA: Black and Caspian Sea MoS » Potential trade flows assessed » Existing and potential market opportunities identified » Next step: identification of potential pilot MoS projects MoS - External dimension

7 EU selected Motorways of the Sea projects for funding to date (maritime part of links). TEN-T » Zeebrugge-Esbjerg » Klaipeda-Karlshamn » Trelleborg-Sassnitz. Marco Polo » Zeebrugge-Bilbao » Nantes - Gijón

8 EastMed: potential MoS links Igoumenitsa – Taranto Limassol - Kavala Igoumenitsa - Koper Venice - Patra Ancona - Koper Piraeus - Limassol Venice - Ploĉe Patra - Catania Malta - Venice

9 Portmos: pilot projects Leixões – Tilbury – Rotterdam Sines – La Spezia

10 MEDA MoS pilot links Agadir – Port-Vendres Rades – Marseille Rades - Genova Bejaia – Barcelona Haifa – Trieste

11 MOS (pilot) links identified via EU MoS Funding Are these the key MoS links in Europe?

12. Strong support for Motorways of the Sea but… implementation stays behind. Fragmentation of support instruments: synergies do not work out. Studies/Master plans do not always lead to concrete implementation. Increasing problem of distortion of competition. Current bottom-up approach fails to recognise succesful private sector MoS services A few obvious conclusions

13. Revision of TEN-T. Revision of Marco Polo. Revision of MoS policy. … will be carried out simultanuously and in an interconnected way But also a unique window of opportunity

14 What are the opportunities (1)? MOS: broadening the scope?. MoS for passengers?. Subways of the Sea (pipelines?). National MoS?. MoS for bulk cargo?

15 What are the opportunities (1)? MOS: broadening the scope?. MoS for passengers?. Subways of the Sea (pipelines?). National MoS?. MoS for bulk cargo?

16 What are the opportunities (2)? MOS definition. Make MoS more market-driven?. Single MoS concept with clear criteria?. Link MoS to the core TEN-T land network?. Need for a separate « geographical » and « conceptual » MoS pillar?. Apply the TEN-T methodogy for the geographical core network to identify MOS links?. Continue the bottom-up approach?. Top-down only definition based upon market reality?. Top-down plus bottom up?

17 What are the opportunities (2)? MOS definition. Make MoS more market-driven?. Single MoS concept with clear criteria?. Link MoS to the core TEN-T land network?. Need for a separate « geographical » and « conceptual » MoS pillar?. Apply the TEN-T methodogy for the geographical core network to identify MOS links?. Continue the bottom-up approach?. Top-down only definition based upon market reality?. Top-down plus bottom up?

18 What are the opportunities (3)? MOS funding. Refocus the funding priorities for MoS?  Away from the sea to the (hinter)land?  From hard to soft(smart) infrastructure ?  From increasing the offer to increasing demand?  From modal shift to decreasing external costs?. Overcome funding fragmentation  1 application for funding for 1 MoS project?  1 single fund (for all actions (infrastructure, equipment, studies, services, pilot actions…) ?. Cutting down red tape  linkage to state aid?. EIB involvement?

19 What are the opportunities (4)? MOS Monitoring. Quantitative targets?  market penetration,  efficiency gains,  safety and security,  social conditions,  connectivity with the EU's neighbours,  easiness of use,  environmental efficiency  carbon footprint. Monitoring the MoS network?

20 What are the opportunities (4)? MOS Monitoring. Quantitative targets?  market penetration,  efficiency gains,  safety and security,  social conditions,  connectivity with the EU's neighbours,  easiness of use,  environmental efficiency  carbon footprint. Monitoring the MoS network?

21. TEN-T, Marco Polo, MoS policy evaluation and impact assessment: ongoing. Commission working paper on TEN-T policy review (consultation document) (May 2010). European Maritime day Gijón (19-21 May 2010). Saragossa Conference (8-9 June 2010). MoS Conference (September 2010). Marco Polo Stakeholder Conference (tbd). New Transport Policy White Paper (end of 2010). Commission proposal on TEN-T Guidelines (Spring 2011). Commission document on Motorways of the Sea?. Commission proposal on Marco Polo (mid 2011) Mos Policy review: next steps

22 Your views

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