Designing Agile Project Portfolio Management Teams Prepared by _____, August 20_ Project Portfolio Management
Agenda Building an Agile Project Mangement Team Proposal Introduction Commitment to Success The Cost of Failed Projects / An Opportunity to Grow Lenovo & The Real Value of Project Planning Project Management Defined The Current Approach Realigning for Success Conclusion 88
Introduction Project Managment & Collaborative Growth It’s a new economy, what are our options? Are we getting the most from our resources? Can we leverage project managment tools? What is our commitment to success? Will our current processes help us thrive or just survive?
Project Management Defined What it is and what it can do for us The primary goal of project management is to provide practitioners with a framework that will guide them successfully through the life of a project. Projects have definitive phases; initiation, planning, execution, monitor/control and closure. Project managers can use a number of proven methodologies for guiding them through each phase of a projects “A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to accomplish a unique product, service or result.” PMI® PMBOK©* *Project Management Institute, Project Management Body Of Knowledge, Revision 4, 2008
The Cost of Failure, An Opportunity to Grow Implementation of Project Management Process On Average only 31% of Projects Finish Succesfully*. Lack of Established Project Management Procedures is cited as the leading cause. The Legal Solutions Group delivers an average 9 Million dollars in Technology Initiatives per year An average project without planning experiences 15-20% budget overruns Application of Project Management methodology can reduce budget overruns by 50%** The Legal solutions group alone could realize a savings of $675K - $900K per year Succesful Projects *Standish Group CHAOS report, ** Gartner Group, RAS core research note, 2007
The Current Approach Vertical Silos 17 Team Members 5 MCSE’s 6 Database Experts 4 Web Developers 2 DMS Experts LegalCommercial 28 Team Members 10 MCSE’s 13 Database Experts 3 Web Developers 2 Compliance Experts Government 43 Team Members 15 MCSE’s 14 Database Experts 11 Web Developers 3 DMS Experts The current technology solutions teams are isolated into distinct silos that inhibit interdepartmental resource, knowledge or asset sharing. Expertise in each vertical is in many cases redundant and frequently not aligned with any capacity planning model.
Lenovo Case Study The Real Value of Project Managment After the adoption of project management policies and procedures Lenovo realized a 7% increase in market share, directly attributed to the improved processes established through the adoption of a Project Management Methodology. Key changes adopted Established a Project Management office Realigned structures to fully utilize project management office and resources Prioritized the initiative from the top down Post Adoption Success Rates Before 2004 companies like Lenovo were having difficulty penetrating the Chinese market. Key Cited issues Poor execution Lack of competitiveness Lack of business performance Pre PMO Adoption Patterns *Lenovo Case Study provided by PMI© 2007
Realigning for Success Migrating from Isolation to Collaboration Commercial Contracts Technology Solutions Group Commercial Legal Contracts Technology Solutions Group Legal Government Contracts Technology Solutions Group Government New Org Chart Here 1.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. 2.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. 3.This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. Clients PMO Commercial Support Legal Support Govt. Support
Commitment to Success Rescources and Results The success of the program relies on Time & Materials, Staff Evaluations/Training and most importantly Committed Sponsorship by Senior Leadership. Time, Materials and Scalable Tools Senior Leadership Sponsored Initiative Staff Evaluations, Training & an active matrix of assets
Todays economic climate requires a fresh approach Realignment of Resources makes sense for everyone Technology has evolved, let’s adapt to thrive Being Agile and Profficient = Indespensable Partner Conclusion