Robotics Grant Agreement No LLP UK-LEONARDO-LMP Project acronym: CLEM Project title: Cloud services for E-Learning in Mechatronics Technology
CNC machine with Arduino– Lesson 7 Grant Agreement No LLP UK-LEONARDO-LMP Project acronym: CLEM Project title: Cloud services for E-Learning in Mechatronics Technology
CNC machine with Arduino Fig. 1: CNC machine with Arduino
Introduction CNC machine with 3 axes, X, Y, Z controlled with Arduino and 3 stepper motors of type NEMA 17. CNC machine with Arduino
The CAD model made in SolidWorks is exported to Matlab Simulink.
CAD Modeling in SolidWorks of CNC machine Simulation and control in Matlab/Simulink GUI VR simulation in Matlab Simulink Realization of CNC machine CNC machine with Arduino
The CAD model made in SolidWorks is exported to Matlab Simulink using the Virtual Reality Toolbox.
CNC machine with Arduino Mechanical structure of CNC machine CAD model in SOLIDWORKS for CNC machine with 3 DOF
CNC machine with Arduino From the CAD model made in SolidWorks are then manufactured and assemblied.
CNC machine with Arduino ANSAMBLU SolidWorks CAD Translator XML File SimMechanis Generator Simulink Exporting from SolidWorks to Matlab
CNC machine with Arduino Dynamic model in SimMechanics
CNC machine with Arduino Simulation of mini CNC in Matlab/Virtual Reality The realized CNC machine in Solidworks was simulated in Virtual Reality module from Matlab/Simulink Simulation in Virtual Reality
CNC machine with Arduino The control of mini CNC in Matlab
CNC machine with Arduino Obtained results In reality Interface-graphical
CNC machine with Arduino Realization of the structure of mini CNC Electrical part Software part Mechanical part
CNC machine with Arduino