Rashomon: Toolkit for Assembling and Analyzing Multi-Perspective Video Chronologies Rashomon Project (Under Construction - February 2012) About the Project Online Tools for Assembling Multi-Perspective Chronologies The Data and Democracy Initiative, UC Berkeley
Rashomon Project Context: Public Protests (Arab Spring, Occupy, etc) Catalyst: video documentation from cellphones Problem 1: video is posted ad-hoc on a variety of sites Problem 2: Faces revealed without permission Problem 3: Videographers may fear prosecution Idea: Provide a trusted repository / Open-Source Toolkit Innovations: Time-Alignment, Face Blurring, HTML5 Adaptive streaming, Distr. Routing, Shared Analysis Tools Needs: Developer Support, fast networks, P.R. Future: 3D reconstruction, 3d video, Legal Evidence
Rashomon Project (Under Construction - February 2012) About the Project Online Tools for Assembling Multi-Perspective Chronologies
Rashomon Project (Under Construction - February 2012) About the Project Online Tools for Assembling Multi-Perspective Chronologies
Rashomon System Architecture: Rapid Response to critical events using next gen Networks
Initial Concept Sketch
System Prototype in HTML 5 (Oct 2012)
Analyzing Audio Tracks Using Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm (developed for Speech Recognition) Coarse-to-Fine Video Alignment
Rashomon : Network Issues Existing Browsers Not Designed for Multiple Videos security, encryption streaming upload (ustream) network speed limitations during demand spikes generating videos formatted for mobile versions
Rashomon Project and Mozilla Ignite
Rashomon Project Team Ken Goldberg: UC Berkeley Prof. of IEOR and EECS and Info Dr. Camille Crittenden: Director, Data and Democracy Initiative Abram “Aphid” Stern: Developer, co-founder, Metavid.org
Rashomon Project Timeline Nov 1 – Dec 10: refine user interface, develop documentation, public relations Dec 10: Announce Phase 1: Human Rights Day Dec 11 – Jan 23: receive and process case studies Jan 23 : Announce Phase 2: Data Innovation Day Jan 24 – Mar 31: receive and process case studies Apr – Sep: technical extensions
Rashomon Project Budget Nov-Dec: $10K Mozilla Ignite Request for development and PR (matched by UC Berkeley funding) Jan-Mar: $50K for enhanced alignment algorithms and user interfaces Apr-Sep: $75K for staffing and advanced algorithms (spatial modeling)
opticalengineering.spiedigitallibrary.org Future Work: Reconstructing 3D Scene and Camera Positions
Rashomon Project Context: Public Protests (Arab Spring, Occupy, etc) Catalyst: video documentation from cellphones Problem 1: video is posted ad-hoc on a variety of sites Problem 2: Faces revealed without permission Problem 3: Videographers may fear prosecution Idea: Provide a trusted repository / Open-Source Toolkit Innovations: Time-Alignment, Face Blurring, HTML5 Adaptive streaming, Distr. Routing, Shared Analysis Tools Needs: Developer Support, fast networks, P.R. Future: 3D reconstruction, 3d video, Legal Evidence