Think about someone who is confident and act, talk, and walk like him or her. Model their mannerisms and behavior. It works for them; it will work for you! Imitation is the quickest way to learn.
Smile a lot more. You don’t have to feel it to smile. It’s ok to “fake it till you make it.” Smile and your mind makes it so. Soon you will be feeling happier. Smile when you’re walking. Meet people’s eyes and smile. They just might need it. Smile and the whole world smiles with you.
Learn from the past; don’t beat yourself up about it. It’s gone; it’s never coming back. Don’t forget but do forgive. Be ready next time. Feel the call of this moment right now.
Buy yourself some new clothes. Get your hair done. Treat yourself to something new. After all, it all starts with how you feel. Be comfortable in your own skin.
Are you prepared for the challenges ahead? Have you thought it through? Have you talked to someone you trust? Have you taken the time to truly listen to your intuition. If not, get to it. Opportunities favor those that are prepared.
Know what you are good at. Expose yourself to opportunities as often as possible. Learn by stretching. Don’t be afraid to fail….it gets you one step closer to success. Play to your strengths!
Tell the truth…it works. Be aware of your weaknesses and see them as opportunities. Know and appreciate where you are. Create a plan and ask for support. Celebrate the changes. Weaknesses make you stronger.
Learn to say no to people. Don’t be afraid, there’s nothing to be afraid of. Expect a reaction, after all, they’re probably not used to you saying no. There’s no going back and that’s ok. Just say NO!
Be positive. Look on the “can do” side of things. Eliminate “I can’t” from your vocabulary. You’ve gotten here and you can go further. Just believe…and then, ACT. Whether you believe you can or not, you are right.
Be in charge of your own thoughts. Your thoughts are generally a question you are asking yourself. If it’s a negative thought, what are you trying to understand? Change the question, change the quality of your life. As you thinketh, so it is.
If you are afraid, stop and reflect. Is this reality as it is or as you fear it is? Don’t major on minor things. Step up to the plate, feel the fear and do it anyway! Stop, Think, and Listen.
Do you let the words of others affect you? Remember, no one can make you feel anything without your permission. It’s not what they say that’s the problem, it’s what you say to yourself after they stop talking that’s the problem. Change the way you think. The door locks from the inside. What they think of you is none of your business.
List the words you use on a consistent basis. Make a conscious choice to use conscious communication. Different words have different meanings. Ask before you rush to judgment. Lower the intensity of the words if you want different results. Master the art of language, especially the words you use on yourself.
At least once a day, notice something that needs celebrating. Find something specific to celebrate in someone else. The more specific, the more they know you truly see them. And, don’t forget to do that for yourself. Make celebration a habit. Celebrate good times, come on!
Be appreciative of what you have right now. Start a Gratitude Journal and write in it every day.. Stop asking for things and start being grateful for what you do have. Watch things change because they most certainly will. Be grateful. It’s leads to great-ful!
Notice your success, your hopes, and your dreams. Spend time visualizing what worked and what didn’t work, what you want and what you don’t want. Re-write the script – that’s what your imagination is for. Then, give life to your imagination and make it so. Keep calm and visualize.
Notice your body language. What is it saying? The way you move in your body has a massive affect on your self-confidence. Move your body with grace and confidence and everything else will shift. It’s the way it works. “There’s something in the way you move.”
Emotion is created by motion. If you want to feel different, get up, walk and move differently. If you want to feel different, change your language. And, most importantly, take care with whom you spend time. Always in emotion the future is. Well, maybe that’s not what Yoda said, but’s also true.
Learn to tell others what you are proud of. If you can’t be proud of yourself, you’ll have a hard time being proud of others. Which of your achievements are you proudest of? Be specific. It’s possible to be proud and humble at the same time. Learn to live out loud.
Worry is an empty activity. You only live once. 20 years from now, will it matter the same as it feels now? Will worrying change anything? If not, then figure out what you need to do, be, have, or feel to change your fate. It’s up to you. “I’ve had a lot of worries in my life most of which never happened.” Albert Einstein