Objective To develop better typing skills, and help improve basic literacy Students can also engage in hands-on lab for keyboard and mouse practice using free web tutorials Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Basic Keyboarding Photo from Mouse and Keyboard Skills from Clark Public LibraryMouse and Keyboard Skills Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Alphanumeric Keyboard Definition: The alphanumeric keypad contains the alphabet and numbers as well as special keys such as Pause, Break and Print Screen. It is very similar to the standard typewriter keyboard. (Wikipedia)Wikipedia Photo from The Keyboard from Hampshire City Council: Computer Skills for LifeThe Keyboard Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Cursor Keypad Definition: The cursor keypad (arrow keys) allow you to move the cursor between letters, words, sentences and paragraphs. The other keys (Home, End, Page Up, Page Down) allow your cursor to jump across larger sections and across screens. (Mouse and Keyboard Skills from Clark Public Library)Mouse and Keyboard Skills Photo from Mouse and Keyboard Skills from Clark Public LibraryMouse and Keyboard Skills Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Numeric Keypad Definition: A numeric keypad is the small, palm- sized, seventeen key section of a computer keyboard on the very far right. Features digits 0 to 9, addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/) and decimal point (.) and Num Lock and Enter keys. (Wikipedia)Wikipedia Photo from “Numeric Keypad” from WikipediaWikipedia Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Function Keypad Definition: Keys that act as shortcuts for performing certain functions such as saving files or printing data. Function keys usually are lined along the top of the keyboard labeled F1 through F12. (Wikipedia)Wikipedia Photo Credit: Introduction to ComputersIntroduction to Computers Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Basic Mouse Definition: A hand-operated electronic device that controls the coordinates of a cursor on your computer screen as you move it around on a pad; on the bottom of the device is a ball that rolls on the surface of the pad; "a mouse takes much more room than a trackball.” ( Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
How to Hold the Mouse Hold the mouse gently with your index finger resting on the primary button and your thumb resting on the side. To move the mouse, slide it slowly in any direction. If you run out of room to move your mouse on your desk or mouse pad, just pick up the mouse and bring it back closer to you. ( Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Pointing, Clicking & Dragging Double-clicking: Point to the item on the screen, and click twice quickly. Tip: This type of clicking is most often used to open items on your desktop. (eg. Open a program) ( Photo Credit: Cursor Finger Hand Hyperlink Link Mouse PointerCursor Finger Hand Hyperlink Link Mouse Pointer Photo Credit: How to Use a Mouse from MicrosoftHow to Use a Mouse Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Scroll Wheel If your mouse has a scroll wheel, you can use it to scroll through documents and pages on the web. To scroll down, roll the wheel toward you. To scroll up, roll the wheel away from you. ( Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
Challenge Questions Q1. How to hold a mouse? Q2. What is a scroll used for? Q3. What is the cursor keypad used for? Q4. Where is the Enter Key located on the Keyboard? Practice: Exercise Site 1 Exercise Site 2 Basic Mouse & Keyboarding
References Free Dictionary’s Computer MouseFree Dictionary’s Computer Mouse Microsoft’s “Using Your Mouse”Microsoft’s “Using Your Mouse” Wikipedia Numeric Keypad Function Key Computer Keyboard Basic Mouse & Keyboarding