OCLC Online Computer Library Center 1 Introduction
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 2 This session is an orientation to the advocacy training program, Turning the Page: Supporting Libraries, Strengthening Communities. It will prepare you to have a successful training experience. Session Purpose
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 3 Session Agenda In this session, you will: 1.Begin your advocacy training experience. 2.Learn about the goals of Turning the Page: Supporting Libraries, Strengthening Communities. 3.Review the advocacy training agenda, session format, and supporting materials and tools. 4.Conduct, or review, an Advocacy Self- assessment Survey to identify advocacy knowledge and skills you want to develop or strengthen.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 4 Activity: Participant Introductions What is your name? What library or library system do you represent? What is your role? How long have you worked in the library field? What is one thing you would like to learn during the advocacy training? What is one special skill or talent you have?
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 5 Advocacy Training Purpose Information sharing Group discussion Skill building exercises Peer networking Advocacy Action Plan development Turning the Page is designed to provide library staff with a unique, interactive learning experience that combines:
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 6 Advocacy Training Goals Understand the important role advocacy can play to help support public libraries and public access to technology. Develop and strengthen skills to conduct library advocacy activities. Increase your confidence to successfully implement advocacy activities. Build the knowledge you need to lead and support a local library advocacy effort to increase support (and funding). Create an Advocacy Action Plan.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 7 Advocacy Action Plan Workbook
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 8 Activity: Advocacy Workbook Review 1.Identify a component of the plan that interests you the most and you want to learn more about. 2.Identify a component of the plan you think will be the most challenging.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 9 Activity: Advocacy Self-assessment Survey
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 10 Closing Reviewing our agenda: Begin your advocacy training experience. Learn about the goals of Turning the Page: Supporting Libraries, Strengthening Communities. Review the advocacy training agenda, session format, and supporting materials and tools. Conduct, or review, an Advocacy Self- assessment Survey to identify advocacy knowledge and skills you want to develop or strengthen.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 11 Please fill out your Session Feedback Form. Evaluation