Influencer Communications Share
Value Task Force - Charge Study, understand, and advise the Board and the Industry of the potential game changing technologies that could emerge over the next 5-20 years Assess how these technologies would impact the value of soybeans and soybean products Understand where the new value will be realized and identify changes needed to optimize and capture that value Recommend how to ‘grow the value pie for all’ which provides a win-win market structure
Value Task Force - Strategy Focus on defining market systems that maximize the value of any new traits Engage entire value chain to determine value of different technologies Provide motivation for entire value chain to invest new technologies Moving the Needle – 3 Year Goal – Pilot Market Transformation Project by 2015 Seed Tech Companies
Industrial Users: THINK SOY What they’re making decisions on: – Price – Performance
Think Soy
Influencer Communication Conservation Communications Project with well known Minnesota outdoors writer and television host Ron Schara Effort to connect with influencer on how farmers care for the land Panel at Game Fair, VIP Farm Tour Double edge sword
Influencer Communications Communicating within the NYS Ag Industry NY big dairy state (#4 in nation in dairy production, #1 in yogurt production) Wine & apples are also big Ag Communications from NY Farm Bureau often focuses on dairy, wine, apples or organic Dairy industry & grain industry symbiotic relationship How to get aggies to notice impact of grain industry to NY economy??
Influencer Communications Communicating within the NYS Ag Industry Checkoff sponsoring major consumer education initiatives (Birthing Center at NYS Fair) Regular column in NY Farm Bureau monthly newsletter, Grassroots NYCSGA newsletter insert in Country Folks Getting more involved: meeting with Cornell Ag school dean, attending NY Farm Bureau annual meeting, display at winter farm show CommonGround radio campaign- for consumers but ag industry loves the ads and gets NY Soybean checkoff name out there
TRANSPORTATION COMMUNICATIONS Constraint- Transportation efficiency benefits more than just the soybean industry. Opportunity- ISA is positioned to lead positive change and constant improvement across the industry. Objective- Build consensus among farmers, stakeholders and industry representatives for solutions to transportation issues in support of both ensuring soybeans and soybean products reach their destination efficiently
Transportation Communications Educate farmers and industry stakeholders about transportation issues that affect farmer/industry profits, and then start building consensus for making improvements.
Influencers Primary Communication Goal: Develop and maintain a comprehensive website, educator network and training programs for teachers related to soybeans and soybean- related products and careers. Project: Soybean Education Program
Food & Health Professional Audiences October 2013
Health Professional Audience Why influence health professionals (HPs)? –Maximize U.S. soybean meal value by increasing the use of soybean components in the food supply –HPs are influential and can recommend soy ingredients to their companies and/or clients –Leverage the “health halo” enjoyed by soy protein, transfer to soybean oil Who are we trying to reach? –Registered dietitians –Physician assistants –Nurse practitioners –Consumers (indirectly)
Health Professional Audience Example: FNCE Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Food & Nutrition Conference & Expo (AND FNCE) –Exhibits for both USB & QUALISOY –8,000 dietitians attend, 2,000+ new contacts In booth presentations / discussions –Dr. Mark Messina –Farmer Director Laura Foell –Chef Bryan Caswell AND Sponsorships: –Food & Culinary Professionals (FCP) –“Nutritional Pursuit” Trivia Challenge –Foodservice & Supermarket RD Breakfast
Food Industry Audience Why influence the food industry? –Increase demand/sales/value of U.S. soybean oil Both commodity & enhanced oils (high oleic) –Capture a bigger share of edible oil consumption Who are we trying to reach? –Decision-makers from high volume food manufacturers & foodservice operators Purchasing R&D Marketing Quality Control
Food Industry Audience Example: IFT The Institute of Food Technologists (IFT) –#1 tradeshow for food technologists / R&D USB & QUALISOY exhibited –Staffed with oil and protein technical experts –Sampled food prepared in soybean oils Sponsored two scientific sessions –“Build Consumer Confidence in Food Technology” –“GM and the Food Industry: A Global Perspective” Media breakfast announced USB commitment to high oleic soybean oil 213 placements, reaching more than 71.5 million